good day to you, sir. i await the king himself. his knights are in need of training. i am sir lancelot of the lake, from across the sea. i am the best knight in the whole of christiandom, and i look for the king who is worthy of my sword's service. not a boast, sir, but a curse. never have i met my match in joust or duel. i will not. you must retreat or prove your kingship in the test of arms, under the eyes of god. hold! i offer you another lance. you joust well, sir. battle learnt, but tournament fancy. you should ride more forward in the saddle, though. yield. i have the advantage. i sought only not to harm you, sir. sir, your rage has unbalanced you. it seems you would fight to the death against a knight who is not your enemy, for a length of road you can ride around. it is you, sir, who knows not the virtue of humility, as a true king must. i, the best knight in the world, bested! this is a great day, for my search is over. i love you, my king. then make me your champion and i will always fight in your place. i gave up my castles and my lands! my domain is here, inside this metal skin. and i would pledge to you all that i still own: muscle, bone, blood and the heart that pumps it. in the name of jesus christ and his holy blood, i swear eternal faith to arthur, king. we spared the lives of a few, so they could sail home and tell their fellows what fate they met at the hands of king arthur's knights. i swear never to rest twice on the same pillow till all men live at peace. good day to you. i hear the stifled cry for help, i smell the reek of fear. these men repented before god for their evil deeds. those who would not, met their fate at the end of my sword. accept the fruit of my first quest as my wedding gift. only give me leave to ride out again, to do what i am most able to do, and happiest doing. i will stay madame. no. i am a fighting man and i am married to the quest. that is enough. there is one. you. yes. i would swear my love to you. i cannot love as a woman the lady who will be wife to my king and my friend. and, in pledging my love to you, i cannot love any other woman. i will see you in all women, and i will defend them as i would defend you. lord merlin, are you ill? don't be afraid. just a man. a knight in the king's service. you've got a lot to learn. very well. climb up. listen, boy, it's more than twenty days from here. --it must wait, child. these good ladies, for whom i intervened once, will honor me with a meal. i am beholden to them now as i was when they begged my protection. guenevere, i fight against myself. it's my task to prove the queen's innocence. but one can still keep a sword sharp riding out in the name of the king's law. conversation and court life don't suit me. i must take my rest in the forest. it is deep. why? you will destroy arthur, and us. the law forbids it. there are things about love-- by my knight's sword, i swore faith-- guenevere. why didn't he kill us? the king without his sword, the land without a king. where are you going, lancelot, in your iron tomb? still trying to save the world? the best. the bravest. the greatest. fool that ever lived. now the world rots. death is king of the earth. and it is you who make it so, lancelot. arthur. my salvation is to die a knight of the round table. --it is the old wound, that has been opened. i have always known it would be the gateway to my death, for it has never healed. let my heart do its job, my king, and pump me empty. guenevere, has she come to you, is she queen again?