i feel it, mother. i will give his blood to the giant.
i have come to claim what is mine, father.
and you are the great king? the lords have rebelled. invaders attack the coasts. crops don't grow. there is nothing but plague and hunger in the land. only i am feared. i will be king. you may have lost excalibur, but i have found my own weapon of power. there.
the very spear that pierced the side of christ as he died on the cross.
and i offer only this, father. to commit with passion and pleasure all the evils that you failed to commit, as man and king.
we will embrace only in battle. father, and i will touch you only with the blade of my spear.
i will muster a great force of knights, and i will return to fight for what is mine.
that cannot be.
my mother has a sense for such things. she said there would be no fog.
where is arthur?
i wait for you, father.