papa. papa. my father is dead. merlin, are you now the father, and the mother, of the baby? i remember you, merlin. i was a child. you took my brother away. is that mandrake, lord merlin? can it truly be used for magic? what did i see today in the wizard's eyes? censure, because i enjoy a few words with a young handsome knight? it's clear you are, and it irks me. a lovestruck page! a steamy, panting, lovestruck page. but what good are songs and poems to me? they are the barter of ordinary love. a gift that reflected your greatness is the only one worthy of your love. the deepest secrets, the forbidden formulas. don't listen to him. you are the queen. crazy old fool. you think yourself a kingmaker. ha! a meddler, more likely. look what a mess you've made of things. you know what i want. i want the secret of true magic, how to thicken the stuff of dreams and wishes with the flesh of the world. then i will not. people make you laugh? why? you are truly magnificent! merlin, the powers of summoning, the true name of the charms of doing and undoing. show me! make magic, my foolish wizard. for our love. weave a marvelous room around us, a room worthy of our coupling. walls of shining crystals, burning with red fire, furnishings of metals and jewels never seen by man. it's only a semblance. you disappoint me. do it, merlin, the deepest secret. fix it with the charm of making, for our endless pleasure. i'll weep for you, brother, for a king must not weep. do you know what guenevere's maids have whispered? that when the king returned from battle. guenevere would unlace his armor and massage the burns where metal rubbed on flesh. she would prepare a bath for you, mixing special ointment in the water. the moon flows in my blood to meet your seed. and already i bear him who will be king. i could easily kill you, brother. but i want you to live to see our son be king. in me, the blood of cornwall will have its revenge; in me, the blood of uther will show its dark side. stand back, all of you. through my own body i have nurtured him with my potions. i made him. i alone can give him life. the blood of this knight will feed the god in the earth, he is weak with hunger, and he will be made strong by this blood. then he will plant his seed, and the land will be fertile once again. look, mordred, a true prize for the giant. the lamb rides into our jaws. you must kill him, for this knight is dear to your father. you must do it and learn to enjoy your father's pain. have you found what you search for? have you found what arthur seeks? you haven't, or you would be smiling now in the face of death. your quest is an impossible one. fool! uncover him. i'll show you the mystery of life. it's death. do it, mordred! feel the life through the dagger, child. it belongs to you. you didn't kill him! you didn't kill him! my dear, sweet boy. you provoke me, merlin. burning with the fire of desire, i am the flames that consume the staff to ashes. i am the desert, where water disappears-- --i am the fog and mists that rise up from the sea, escaping. i have the desire and i have the magic.