it is a dark hour. everywhere lawlessness and destruction, and no one to lead us out of it. listen all. i am sir ector of morven and these are my sons. you would wrong me, for i have never stolen from others, or destroyed the fruit of the land. the people's anger is just. it is sad that for our own safety, we will have to ride to the tournament with these robber knights. arthur, where is kay's sword? a good squire doesn't forget his knight's sword. well hurry then, and get it. did you free the sword, boy? we must go to the stone at once. draw it, son! arthur ?! how did you get the sword, child? you freed it, son? try the sword, arthur. let the boy try the sword. go ahead, boy. don't be afraid. my lord, you are king, all the more because you are not my son, and i am not your father. i don't know. merlin brought you to me when you were newly born and charged me to raise you as my own. at first, i did so because i feared merlin, later because i loved you. no. arthur-- he is the mightiest and fairest of knights.