a cross-check of the passenger and cargo manifests, colonel, indicates a shipment of 'art objects,' leaded pottery, 250 kilos in weight, on board flight 343. the point of origin, final destination and the person assigned to that shipment are all non- existent. it's a wild card, colonel, but under the circumstances, it's all we've got. you've already met, i think, peter cahill, an aeronautical engineer at darpa, a pioneer in stealth technology. something must have failed with the airlock and they depressurized. twelve canisters and at least fifteen pounds of plastic explosives. we're dealing with a potential kill-factor of a low- yield nuclear weapon. we have to take ali's word that there will be more bombings in london if he's not airborne by three. he didn't even make the attempt. he wants him to die. but it's too late. they've already crossed the line, they're into u.s. airspace. with every minute. at thirty-five thousand feet our loses would be minimal. every thousand feet of descent, the death toll from fallout will increase dramatically. i pray you've made the right decision. kaplan continues to stare at the situation map. as he does, we pan down to the table, to the open folder, the one previously given to kaplan by the arab diplomat. we slowly push in on a photograph of a man, early fifties, fair complextion, balding, with cold, intense eyes. it is a face we have never seen before, certainly not the man in 148-b.