colonel, i don't see the support van. are we takin' it? and if this bitch has a short fuse? cappy, resolved, opens a folding, three-sectioned soft case containing a fantastic array of miniature bomb tools. he looks up. don't sweat it, they're all high-impact, close-quarter weapons. i'm in charge, cahill. sit down and shut up. there's only one thing we can do. take over the plane, let them know we're in command and then land it some place safe. as planned. get a grip, cahill. we're all in the this together, so just hang with us and do what you're told. now sit your ass down and stay put. stunned but under control, cahill nods, rat releasing him. silence settles over the room, the men now realizing there is but one choice facing them. all right. we need to know how many, where they are, how they're armed. okay. what's left of the gear? and no one to fly the plane. what's our time frame? baker consults a plexiglass card, three analog watches indicating elapsed time; time on board; time to fail safe, the sweep hands moving at steady, unstoppable speed. all right. we figure out where they are, how to hit 'em. power for lights, everything is right here. we blow the lights, use infra-red to hit 'em hard while they're still surprised. let's get started. again, grant's cautious warning sounds out. what's that? we'll worry about that after we take the plane. we can't spare the time to look for it. let's get one thing straight, captain. you're still along as an advisor. stick with the interpreting. when i need your opinion, you'll know it. we'll look for it while we're setting up. charlie, tools and bomb kit. get started. okay, i'll check it out. i'm at mid-cabin. hold on. he stops, twisting to his side, pushing the viewscope probe and mike through a joint in one of the ceiling panels. four in the main cabin, listening to a radio. two others, in the aisles. machine guns, side arms, grenades. i'm on my way. whatever it is, it's sittin' on enough semtex to fuck up your whole day. take a look. charlie uses the probe to examine the container. he looks up, confused. captain, you know anything about bombs? there's something i want you to look at -- forward baggage compartment. we can't move him. sorry to do this to you, cappy. but we've got a bad one here. okay, we go as planned. we shut this thing down, take over the plane and get it to someplace safe. cahill? except it doesn't go boom if you fuck up. what the hell. all right, it's your baby. the rest of us, let's get in position. charlie, mid- cabin. baker, rear compartments. i'll take the cockpit, business class. keep your units on. let's go. the commandos depart leaving grant and cappy behind. grant turns to cappy. shit, i was made. attendant saw me in the elevator. grant, you copy this? she's working the mid-cabin. short blonde hair, five six. okay, stand by. i'm at the forward section. let's see how bad it is up there. he moves on, pulling himself along the cable towards the forward section. thanks. all right, everyone in final positions. captain, i need to see you in the forward galley, right away. grant seems puzzled by this. there's just too many of them, captain. we need another gun. grant looks at the weapon. don't worry, with this you can't miss. one guy on station just above us. i'll cue you, you'll have the element of surprise. rat grabs the escape handle to the hatch in one hand, holding the weapon tight to his chest in the other. hold it tight, like this. push up hard, two steps up the ladder, aim straight at his chest and fire. don't think, just shoot. in the business class closet. i'll be set in about thirty seconds. i'll take the man in the cockpit first, then down the stairs for the second. you all move ten seconds later. baker, charlie. okay, dude is right in my sights. here we go. jesus! cahill, what the fuck is going on?! cappy. what is it? no. just weapons. that's not what we came here to do. captain. any ideas? grant looks at his watch. thinks a moment. ran the cable down the back side of the elevator shaft. they'll never see it. baker takes the cable, twisting the wires into those leading from the camera. he switches on the camera. on the tiny view screen of the camera, we see the wide angle, black and white image of the main cable. random static crosses the picture. all right. try it. baker hands grant a switch, wired into the electrical system of the plane. good move, captain. i'll get upstairs, watch her. if she fingers someone, we'll have to move fast. rat leaves via the flap leading to the baggage compart- ment. baker looks at his tac-board. we push in on the watches, the elapsed timer running down to forty-five minutes remaining. i got it. could be a small computer, between his leg and the seat. looks like he's hiding it. all i can see is his legs. air conditioning unit, right in the way. but the computer is definitely suspicious. it has to be him. can't move up here, barely breathe, no hope for a shot. charlie, what about you? jesus, we've got less than fifteen minutes. then we go now, blow the lights, take our chances. we're not going to make it. what about the sleeper?