your new course, captain. careful, i am a pilot. no tricks. begin an ascent to thirty-six thousand feet. the captain turns to the flight engineer. no, no radar. just climb. no radar! you will obey! the terrorist cocks his pistol, leveling it at the pilot's head. what is that light? the first officer thumps it with his finger. where is this room? ali. it's a trick. we turn on the radar, they can find us. they'll discover us when we turn back. the plan was not to. too long! back to your seat! the marshal bends to flush, the note stuck to the bowl near the top. he flushes, the water flowing over the note, still stuck. he flushes again. out! the terrorist yanks the marshal around, just as the water catches the paper, swirling it down the toilet. you will say nothing. you will stay on course. the terrorist picks up a phone, pressing the buzzer. he speaks in arabic. ali. fighter planes. they say they will shoot if we do not turn away.