hey. gotta go. job. funny job. no. brought it. thanks. how goes it, tommy? losing his teeth. yeah. jesus, you look like fucking royalty, tommy. another five years, huh? it ain't always a blessing. my brother here? how we doing? am i late? what's the point? you want me to show up late a few nights? frank. frank. i'm here. i always get here. don't sweat it. what's wrong with it? no one's gonna be looking at my hair. come on, we're on. careful, frank. when you get angry your tie starts to spin. twenty-eight years, frank. lotta water. who's gonna make trouble? hey, amigo! gracias. like an angel. count it. count it. count the fucking money, frank. fuck him. fuck him. so we on tomorrow night? i hate your kids, frank. only by relation. besides, they hate me, too. they tried to electrocute me, frank. it was no fucking accident, frank. the little one . she threw a goddamn radio into the bathtub. how do you explain that? you got weird kids, frank. hi, pal. thought you were gonna clean the apartment. take it easy, will ya? you're becoming a regular johhny appleseed the way you're dropping teeth around here. bosen black. flat. yamaha white. nice. try the black knable. trust me, you're not missing anything. thanks. only on odd days. why the interest? i'm not seeing anyone. in particular. uh-uh. how about you? you seeing anyone? it's only a ring. not a collar. no thanks. so do i. no, you gotta go 'cause if you don't get up there every couple weeks you feel guilty. i won't feel guilty, so i don't gotta go. i don't gotta go. says who? you're thirteen months older than me, frank. that might've meant something in the apache clubhouse, but it don't cut too deep anymore. so what'd we get her? good to see you, ma. downstairs. fine. you? huh? oh, no. i'm not much for sweets. eddie. he's losing his teeth. i made her nervous. her hands. like that. eddie did. sounds big. what's he do? what happened to the donut king? hey. what's with charlie? yeah? frank? i've had enough family for one month, frank. so talk to me tomorrow. after the gig. what're you talking about? yeah, okay. hey, kids. dad home? what d'ya say? wanna run and get him for me? shit. hey, kid. take it easy. your doorbell doesn't work. trunks? oh. no. strictly dryland. maybe next time. just the same. what? terrific. you ask me out here to sell me your house, frank? charlie paid you off last night, didn't he? the hell you don't. bullshit. fifteen years, frank. no one paid us off. no? what was it like? that how you see it? a gust of wind killed him. hey, you weren't there. right? talk. sure, why not. it's more like 40-60, wouldn't you say? that's what we agreed. i'm not unhappy. frank. fuck it. okay? i'm grateful, frank. how much? for the singer. you, frank. all these years you been telling me we're different. we got novelty, jack. no one can touch us. it never was. small world. drive carefully. what? it was a somewhat extraordinary day. no. don't worry about it. let's get it over with. what are you, crazy? what's there to talk about? she can sing. that puts her at the head of the class. that makes her the only one in the class. you're getting cold feet about this. ma? ma? was ma there the last time we played the ambassador? oh, that's right, she was on bass. how could i forget. how many other silent partners are there, frank? donna? little cindy? hell, let's give eddie a vote. what's the matter? i'll drop the eighths. he'll come around. you never sang before? yeah. we took a lot of lessons. in the old days, every man had a shaving mug that he kept at the barber shop. then, whenever he wanted a shave, held go down to the barber shop and there would be his mug, waiting for him. my days are not the old days, genius. the recent past. how do you know? oh? maybe he'll ask your ma to marry him. ivory. older than me. hey, what do you want to do? grow a beard? well, let's get your first prom under the belt, okay? ever go to church? it's like that. only you gotta dance. it's early. she'll get here. awe inspiring. get out of here. get out of here! i'll hit you, frank. i swear. i told you i was gonna hit you. you're a fucking alarm clock. she's here. no. how about these? this is going well, isn't it? oh, brother. fucking. nice girl. we'll call you. baker. jack baker. come on, ed. he doesn't bite. baker. you shoulda brushed, pal. baker. teeth. they're falling out. how many? isn't there something you can give him? a pill or something? how will he eat? no bones? what do you do to him? i think maybe i'll bring him back next week . because blackie carson books the park and whenever we've needed a gig he's come through. sounds like a booking agent looking to book an easy fee. make it collect. draw. i'll take my chances. yeah. something. you wanna get a drink? yeah, fine. right. his kid's sick. he takes after our mother. the stratford. huh? hey. you feel like a cup of coffee? you want me to walk you? forget it. forget it. better hurry. you're a nickel down on your cigarette. no, i, uh, left a dog here this morning. he needed some work on his mouth. yeah, yeah, i know. i was just passing by. thought i'd check in on him. yeah, well, couldn't i take a look now? yeah. the name's baker -- black. labrador. he's just feeling sorry for himself. this is it, pal. hear me? two bucks a can. chili. you're gonna knock her dead, kid. hey, frank. just a lucky guess. very realistic. yeah. thanks, but i've got plans. every year. every year. i guess in case one year they're not. okay. how'd yours go? eighty proof. what d'ya say? think you can handle it? yeah? sure. merry christmas. very cool. sure. hey, eddie. have some respect, will ya? two years ago. march. november. '71. day. wednesday. sunday. i thought we had separate rooms. i thought we all had separate rooms. she was staying at the grand downtown . we were playing the lounge one night and she came in. frank asked if she'd sit in for a song, she said yes, and we did a few bars. he's drunk. have some more wine, frank. okay. right. no, you take the right. okay. good idea. right. you leaving that on? all night? we're gonna be here a week? so you're gonna leave it on. every night. for a week. why would i mind? forget it. it's no big deal. yes. it's important. accommodate? i don't think i know what you mean. why don't we let mr. daniels tell us what he's trying to say. no, that's your problem, frank. you get around one of these assholes and you turn into a fucking three-year-old. christ, can't you hear it? doesn't it matter to you? because i can hear it. right. i love you, frank. i love you. i just wanted to say it. i'm sorry, frank. all that talk about family. i just got emotional. it won't happen again. scout's honor. sure you will. it's okay. last one. in and out. yeah, well, i wish god would go a little easy on the trumpets. like a baby. you? no thanks. i never touch french cigarettes. what the hell are you doing? really. how's it coming? how long you been at it? they stopped serving two hours ago. time flies, huh? i could give you a hand. if you want. no. why? she's a big girl. what the hell are these? afraid not. what? no. hey! what're you trying to do? wake up the whole goddamn hotel? you saw wrong. he's with the hotel. i called him. we had a leak in the bathroom. he fixed it. he had to come quickly. it was a big leak. you're a heavy sleeper, frank. you've always-been a heavy sleeper. unlike me. hey, business is business. just dinner and dance, right? what're you doing down here? the party's over. expensive hangover. the royal. couple years. april. a useless talent. they were simple songs. i told you. it's a useless talent. yeah. you always threw up. he was just having fun. it was just a can of beer, frank. you could've come. you're making things up, frank. no. the tenth's out. i can't make the tenth. i mean maybe you should check with us before you go off and book us a month in advance. i play two hundred nights a year with you, frank. how much more reasonable you expect me to be? you're gonna wear down those heels if you don't give it a rest. relax. we'll drop the song. it's a shitty song. practice. there are worse songs, you know. not many, but a few. i can keep the beat. nothing. nothing. i'm not upset. look. you don't know good. all right? it means you wouldn't know good if it came up and fucked you. let's make a deal. you shut up. how do you know? nina? friend. she's four feet tall. ed? i have to make him some chili. okay? how come you didn't close your eyes? must've been a cheap date. soap? history. my father proposed to my mother in there. he called her. long story. they'd been out dancing all night and he took her to the train station -- she lived over in brookhaven. usually held ride with her, but this time he didn't. anyway, he starts walking home, only as he's walking he starts getting nervous. by the time he gets to the corner newstand, he's got her meeting some rich guy on the train, the rich guy's asked her to marry him, and he's reading about it in the morning edition. he had a mind that escalated things. he calls her, asks her to marry him, she thinks he's crazy, he asks her again, she still thinks he's crazy but says yes anyway, and the next thing you know he's got his brothers down there and they're tearing the thing right off the curb. i don't know. maybe he thought some rich guy was gonna try and call her. ma didn't want it around. after. frank wasn't 'there. he took me out to the docks one day. we did that a lot. there were other places, but he loved the ocean. he'd worked boats as a kid. never got rid of it. it was always in him. he'd drink a little when we'd go. if he drank enough, he'd do this funny irish jig. to make me laugh. he drank a lot that day. there was a lot of wind. he was up on this cargo shelf, right over the ocean. and he started to do the jig. one minute he was there . i thought it was a joke at first. he did things like that. games. i was laughing when it happened. you got pretty eyes, you know that. you gotta move 'em around if you want to play a song. coffee? look, if you want to leave. if our feet get hot, you grab the piano. why don't you go. i'll see you tomorrow night at the ambassador. there's always another girl. what're you doing? cancel, frank. better give her pneumonia. twenty-eight years. no. yeah. frank works hard. he leads, i follow. pretty much. for a while. she left. i suppose. it's been a long time, ma. sorry. we're not getting paid then. nothing. we get nothing. what's it for? what disease? you don't know? what channels it on? seventy-one? what's seventy-one? right. no. piano. my brother and i. one each. what's wrong with the kid? accident? are you kidding me? are you fucking kidding me? we're playing for a goddamn gymnasium! you're a fucking creep, you know that. i oughta kick your ass. shut up, frank. get your hand off me. go fuck yourself. i don't see any ladies here. except maybe you. you're a lousy dancer, earl. don't you know the man's supposed to lead? what-are you? a fucking moron? it's three o'clock in the morning, frank. who's watching? your wife? maybe you can get us a gig playing little frank's birthday party. what do you think? basketballs, frank. you had us playing for basketballs. what? what's happening to you, frank? you been kissing ass so long you're starting to like it? you let that guy turn us into clowns tonight. we were always small time, but we were never clowns, frank. what's happened to your dignity? stay off it. you weren't there. fuck you. how's it feel to have your little brother beat the shit out of you? huh? huh! your hands. your hands couldn't take the blue ribbon on amateur night. who's weak now, big brother? i'm through with it. i can't do it anymore. that it? it's out of tune. i give it all to charity. yeah. got my own sign. we outgrew each other. you don't pick your brother. so how's the cat food business? what kind? vegetables. i've given it up. if i see him. hey. you got pretty eyes. donna. where is she? hi. no. leave it dark. i didn't want to wake you. thanks. for letting me in last night. yeah. you're gonna see me again. what're you looking for? what're you doing? later. is everything done? the arrangements, i mean. right. yeah, fine. sure. go ahead. bought it on the way over. clean as a nun. oh, yeah, right. i forgot. i'll take the mallory. this'll kill 'em. how're your hands? you know, that night, i . it just all came up. i mean, you can play. you're okay. yeah? yeah. five years ago. november. daughter's. sweet sixteen. she asked for it. she got it all right. One more time.