terrific, boys. really. terrific. yes, sir. you're just what we needed on a night like this. only, jack, do me a favor, will ya, pal? if you wanna smoke, put on a pair of sunglasses and go play with the niggers on state street. these blisters from the midwest don't wanna watch some guy dripping ash all over himself while he's playing 'the sound of music.' okay, boys, that ought to buy you a few more lessons. by the way, frankie, i'm declaring this. i'll call you. i'll call you. yes, sir. that's quite a girl you boys latched onto. she a local? lucky for you. well, there you go, guys. don't spend it all in one place. oh . you want to count it, jack? say, frankie. since i've got you here. how's next week look for you guys?