well, if it isn't the fabulous baker boys! a little stiffer, but just as sturdy. john. it's good to see you. i thought maybe held gotten over that. yes, yes. it's just that john is so much nicer. jack sounds so . crude. when i was a little girl, we had a pig on the farm named jack. i guess i just can't help making the association. catholics. what do you expect? oh, well, what's in a name, right? let's go inside and have a look at that cake. well, now, where's everyone run off to? frank? oh. well, shall we cut that cake? so. how are you? oh, fine. big piece or little? none? how's that dog of yours? what was his name? yes. right. eddie. how is he? sounds like your brothers back with us. what's all this? why, what's this? oh my god . i thought these were lost. where did you find . oh no! oh, look at you two. so skinny. and those tiny suits . that man. oh, look how you're growing. my little boys . spur of the moment. thrilling. both of you. a few empty tables. it's cozier. besides, mel torme couldn't fill this place on a wednesday night. no, no. you boys are tired. i'm tired. really. i should get home. just call me a cab. all right. it's beautiful, isn't it? this was quite,a place once. after the war. on friday nights they had dances in the ballroom upstairs. it was beautiful. crystal chandeliers. white tablecloths. orchids floating in the punch bowls. it was a wonderful place to be young. it went well tonight. and you don't? is that the way it is? he mentioned you had a girl for a while. a singer. yes, well, it's probably best. no sense bringing someone else in. funny. watching tonight, i was remembering when you were young. how i used to stand in the kitchen, listening to the two of you practice while i did the dishes. my two little radios. sometimes i'd stop and go to the door and just watch. sometimes your father would too. he liked to listen to you play. did you know that? you miss him, don't you? yes. i supposed you still have that old phone booth. his love scared me, you know. the day he died he left a flower on my pillow. you look so like him. all right. good night, jack.