let's hear it for our own jimmy marshall, shall we? as most of you'know, young jimmy put a nasty twist on that knee trying to win-one for good ol' grant high this year. luckily, the doctors tell us jimmy'll be able to play next season. that is . if there is a next season. that's where you come in. pick up that phone. make a donation. let's keep our kids off the streets and in the gym where they belong. all right. well, friends, what can i say about our next guest? he, uh, they, uh, we are very pleased to have with us two of the most respected men in the musical entertainment field. i think you'll agree with me when i tell you we're in for a real treat when i say that we have with us . the fabulous bunker boys! come on out here guys. whoops, there they are. hey, nice suits, fellas. now i know a lot of you amateur musicians out there are going to want to rap with these guys and don't worry. right after they finish up here, they're going to be manning the phones. maybe we can even convince them to raffle off a few piano lessons if we're lucky. what do you think? well, all right then. what are we waiting for? take it away, guys. uh oh. we know what that means, don't we? it's time to turn the board over. i'm afraid you fellas'll just have to wait a minute. let's bring out the board. what the --