pockets his fbi badge, then holsters his gun. any follow-up from l.a.p.d. intelligence? get them on the phone -- now. what about s.i.s. and our airport teams? he's here! and we're going to keep looking until we find him! i'll cut them some slack when i cut myself some slack. i don't have time to get a warrant from some hung-over judge. just give me the go-ahead, victor, and i promise -- as soon as this is over -- you can brand my butt with the fourth amendment. tell her to hang on -- scramble the reaction team -- we're moving out. and get one of our people on that plane. where one brother goes, the other's sure to follow. get out. get out! pulls up just as the jet swerves radically to avoid the biplane and slams into the hangar. that's what you always say. seal it off. i'm going in. and how much will your 'fun' net you this time? you're under arrest. incredibly, you still have the right to remain silent -- no discussion -- no deals. real fine, victor. especially the casualties. hi. . what's wrong? nice stunt, jamie. you break the law and i'm expected to ignore it? okay. what happened? why won't she even talk to me? eve. i'm going to make everything up to you and jamie. i'll put in for a desk job. we'll go away, get counseling -- anything you want. this time, i mean it. much appreciated. now let's get back to work, okay? send it back and tell them to stop wasting the taxpayers' money. anything else, miss brewster? how's loomis? go on. i don't have time for those cloak and dagger guys. porcelain casing. thermal cloak. undetectable payload. 'worse than anything god ever dumped on the pharaohs.' get pollux troy. now. he's lying. pollux is a manipulative psychopath. he can control his heartbeat, his sweat glands, his blood pressure. you'll get all the evidence you need when ten thousand people die. that bomb has been built, it's out there somewhere and it's going to detonate. only one person knows -- his brother pollux. and he'll keep his mouth shut until it blows. pollux is way too paranoid. the only person he'd talk to about that bomb is castor himself. and dead men can't talk. why are you keeping him alive? as long as he's breathing, he's dangerous. what are you talking about? i know who you are. this'll fool pollux. you're talking about removing the guy's face? find yourself another lab-rat. i'm in a hurry, dietrich. so you've only got ten seconds to go through your usual litany of lies, empty threats, and moronic denials. then i'm coming over there -- you're a dealer, all right: technical secrets, munitions. explosives. time's up. let him go, but i want him watched. who's next? when was the last time you saw castor troy? answer the question. sasha -- you are a felon, on probation for harboring castor troy. so it's in your best interest to cooperate. would you like your son put in a foster home? when was the last time you saw castor troy? what about lazarro? i'm in. something good? did you catch me? how come? come on, you made that up, didn't you? after all these years, i still can't get it out of my head -- an inch to the left, matty would still be alive. eve. if i had to do something to find some closure. i should do it, shouldn't i?. no matter how crazy? one last time. and while i'm gone, i want you and jamie to go to your mother's. it's important. i can't tell you. except only i can do it. don't worry. if hoag can do half what he claims, i'll get pollux to talk. keep this for me. abdomino -- what? do it. okay. i'm okay. but my voice. i still sound like me. now what? don't forget -- i ordered a kosher meal. they're too tight. fabrice voisine. sure, i -- -- i believe jon archer busted you for poisoning five members of the the canadian parliament? do i look wasted -- asshole? never -- in -- the -- face. what? he started it! when i get out of here -- i'm going to have you fired. -- pollux? why? i was in a coma. my reflexes, my senses, my memory. everything's jumbled. i can't even tell you why dubov jumped me yesterday. i've forgotten plenty. look around -- we've screwed over half the freaks in here. what's gonna happen to us if they think i've lost it? i need you to play big brother for once -- till i can fill in a few blanks. think you can handle that? i know i got this on my tenth birthday. i just can't remember why. oh, god -- mom o-d'd at county general. uh -- to kill the doctors? and i bet i kept that promise. screw the past. we've got the future to look forward to. we still have tomorrow. that's not the worst part. being stuck in this rat-hole when it blows. what you built was a work of art. it belongs in the smithsonian. thanks, pollux. -- castor? it can't be. it's impossible. you killed them? he doesn't know anything about this! castor, don't do this -- pollux is -- what? walton, you have to listen to me -- right now! don't they ever let us take off these boots? you mean if i get sick? what did he do? as a matter of fact -- yes. dubov -- come on! let's go! come on. come on. dr. archer please. it's an emergency. -- her husband. hello, eve -- i know this sounds crazy, but -- dammit. eve, listen carefully. the man you think is your husband -- isn't. please, just listen! take jamie and go to your mother's in santa fe. don't tell him where you're going -- just go. i need to speak to director lazarro immediately. i have information about castor troy. well, if you're jon archer. i guess this must be castor troy. if you were really me, you'd know -- no discussion, no deals. no, jon. you have to think like castor. where would he go? yeah -- me. drive. and punch up your cellular -- i need you to make some calls. you're already busted, dietrich. it's just a matter of time before they pick you up. you can't say no to money. you're castor troy. this is your old crew -- you don't take shit and you don't take no for an answer. archer doesn't want you, he wants me! but i'm going to get him first -- with your help. you wanna face-off with castor troy? come on, then! come on! 'cause i've had a real bad day. you're all forgetting who the real enemy is. six months ago, jon archer hauled you in for questioning. he rattled you so bad -- you shit your armani suit right there in the interrogation room. you laugh, fitch -- the way archer laughed at your last arraignment, when you got down on your knees and tried to blow your way to freedom. and nobody's untouchable if we say he's not. we start with your basic kidnapping. then -- a little surgery. i'm going to rearrange his face in a way you won't believe. to old jobs, new jobs and -- uh -- blow jobs? sorry. i don't. sure i remember. once a quarter, right? -- sasha hassler. age 35. met castor troy in austin, texas, at pearl jam reunion. uh, how you doing, baby? uh -- can't we just talk? not until i finish my business with your brother. i know i've done some things that made your life harder. i'm not the same person you remember. and for what it's worth, i'm sorry. not a bad fit. nice-looking kid, too how old is he? he's not my son. get down! buzz. dietrich! the painting! off kanan road -- i know it. get the boy out of here. that's about a thousand years bad luck. peering down into the rotunda. ducks the bullets as he disappears. eve. i'm not going to hurt you. just don't scream, okay? okay? -- i called, but i'm not castor. i'm your husband. now, you're going to listen. the last time we saw each other -- was in this room. we had a fight after i told you i had to go away. my assignment -- jon archer's assignment -- was to enter a federal prison as castor troy. an f.b.i. surgeon gave me castor's face. he handled the transplant, the vocal implant, everything. but somehow castor came out of his coma -- and killed everyone who knew about the mission. but not before he was transformed into me. if you need hard evidence, get it. your husband's blood type is o negative. castor's is a.b. remember the parachute dream? i'm falling, eve. i'm falling. thanks for believing me. what are you doing? where did you get that gun? why point it at me? i'm the real thing. what more proof do you need? i took a date out for chicken and ribs -- not knowing she was a vegetarian. when the night couldn't get worse, she broke her tooth on a pebble that got into her three-bean salad somehow she and i had fun driving around looking for an all-night dentist. and even though it must have hurt -- you still kissed me. whatever happened, whatever he did -- i know it's my fault and i know i can never make it up to you -- good. what's his schedule tomorrow? victor. tito. they both died thinking i killed them. and in a way. i did. -- what happens after the memorial? and neither of you will be coming back. where's the service? hit him with a trank dart. once he's unconscious -- i'll try to get to buzz and wanda before the security team gets to me. think up a good excuse. i don't want you or jamie anywhere near that service. i've always needed you. terrible. but it's the best we can do with what we have. if it doesn't happen, take jamie and don't look back. do doctors travel in packs? how's the boy? 'us'? no, sasha -- believe me, this isn't your fight. thanks. fills the trank-dart with sedative. chambers the dart, twists a knob on the range-finder, and carefully peers over the crucifix. steadies himself, re-aims the sniper rifle. this is between you and me. leave them out of this. no father could. i know some things that even you don't know, caz. you have a son. i've met him. his name is adam. find jamie! give up, castor. people are going to find out. no, jamie. don't do it! listen to my voice, jamie. i'm your father. jamie. fires up the second boat -- in pursuit. castor blasts back -- shattering archer's boat compass. okay, i have a confession to make. but you aren't gonna like it. you're right, i won't shoot you. not in the face anyway. what did you call me? how is he? that's what they always say. hello, eve. i have something to ask you -- to ask both of you. this is adam. he needs a place to live. just for a little while.