sets the bomb timer -- then replaces a wall panel in front of it. totally hidden. thank goodness, i feel like icarus in the labyrinth -- where's the men's room? okay. i have a confession to make, but you aren't gonna like it. i was planting a bomb. you know -- boom -- oh, never mind. i've never enjoyed 'the messiah.' but your voice makes even a hack like handel seem like a genius. oh, god -- ! i forgot to turn the damn thing on! bro -- everything went fine. thanks for babysitting. i'll contact you when we get the rest of the money. oh, and stat away from downtown. the inversion layer's going to be pretty thick around the 18th. let's go, let's go! hell, yes. it's the only way to fly. what's wrong? it's archer. go, dammit! what are you doing? shoots the pilot -- then takes the controls. he struggles to maneuver the jet. suddenly. wherever they put you, i'll find a way to get you out. jon, i'm getting a little annoyed by your obsessive need to spoil my fun. what's it to you? i declare it. here i am, back in the states for less than a week -- i've got something going down on the eighteenth. it's gonna be worse than anything god ever dumped on the pharaoh. i'll give it up -- but my brother and i have to walk. what're you gonna do with me locked up? you'll drive your wife and kid nuts! i bet your daughter is just about ripe by now. what's her name, janie? lars. okay, lunt, then. something really fucked-up happened. i'm in trouble. so listen very carefully. what do you think i want? not anymore. i believe the phrase dr. hoag used was 'titanically remote'. who knows? maybe the trauma of having my face cut off pulled me out. or maybe god really is on my side after all. by the way, i know you don't get the papers in here. terrible tragedy. hoag was such a genius -- but selfish with his artistry. i actually had to torture his assistants to convince him to perform the same surgery on me. of course i killed them, you dumb fuck. hoag, his staff. miller and brodie -- i even paid a visit to your buddy tito. come on, jon. i think i know you better than that. i only wish you could have been there to see the look on his face -- -- then again, i guess you were there. i torched every shred of evidence that proves who you are. so swallow this -- you are going to be in here for the rest of your life. no discussion, jon -- no deals. now if you'll excuse me, i've got an important government job to abuse, and a beautiful wife to fuck. excuse me -- i mean 'make love to.' it's quite all right. you never know what to expect from a psychopathic criminal. jesus, what a life. sorry -- the job's been murder lately. what do you know about it? it didn't work out the way everyone thought it would. where are you off to? surgery -- are you okay? have fun at work. don't i usually kiss my wife? what a dump. '. "date-night" has been a typical failure. we haven't made love in almost two months' what a loser . the plot thickens. i'm coming in, janie. i don't think you heard me. jamie. you have something i want . i won't tell mom if you don't. you'll be seeing a lot of changes around here -- daddy's a new man. yeah, well, shit happens. how's our star witness? just let me do my job, victor. you're supposed to be snitching -- making me look good. i'm the one who has to look at this butt-ugly mug every time i pass a mirror. look at my eyes, my chin, my perfect nose -- gone! archer took my life, so i'm taking his. bro, i'm going straight. imagine dillinger as j. edgar hoover. carlos the jackal running interpol. kaddafi heading the mossad. think of the secrets we could sell. that's just the bottom of the food chain. pollux -- what would happen if somebody planted a bomb on air force one? pissed-off, vulnerable. looking for someone to step in, take charge, give them hope again. what if that someone was an f.b.i. hero? a true boy scout and family man -- with a spotless past. imagine where that guy could land -- if the timing's right. not yet he isn't. but after you 'confess' -- you'll be a free man. and i'll be on my way. evacuate your team, captain. just go! that's classified. but if he's listening i have a message for him: nice try. now you know who's really in charge. don't you guys watch tv? where's the parade? -- loomis, buzz, uh -- wanda. all of you, thanks from the bottom of my heart. thanks for enduring all those years i was an insufferable boor. from now on -- consider me reborn. jon, your career is finally taking of. archer. sure i'll hold. mr. president, what an honor. how about a game of horse? afraid you'll lose? try putting a higher arc on the ball. and square your shoulders to the basket. don't tell me you forgot. eve -- it's date night! it's important to keep some mystery. so things stay. unpredictable. gone? i'm not going anywhere. i bet i deserved that. i bet jon archer is the most inattentive, sexless spouse on earth. of course it's true, but i'm trying to change? i'm here because i want to be alone with you. i want to see the candle- light dance in your beautiful -- -- brown eyes. i wanted it all to be just right. when i told you about my promotion. well, i don't have it yet. but lazarro's getting old -- he won't be around forever. and i'm getting the itch to move up. so you see, i'm not going anywhere. unless it's upstairs with you. baby, it's like i'm having you for the first time. i couldn't sleep -- you roll around a lot. anyway, i'm late. can't we skip it just this once? i gotta 'protect and serve', you know. okay, if you insist. but -- you drive. so who's this karl creep jamie's been seeing? he's a little old for her, isn't he? sure, how could i forget. by the way, you never said anything about last night. stop crying. stop crying. stop . what happened? he's -- what? where's the body? 'it hasn't been recovered yet!' you people have no idea who you're dealing with! i want everyone on this, reports on the half hour, and all leads get routed through my office. buzz, alert the l.a.p.d. he's alive -- and he's already here. move! this is jon archer. who's calling? i've gotta hand it to you, jon. you're doing a damn respectable job of being me. but let's face it, we both liked it better the way it was. so before the cops blow your brains out -- why not tell me where you are. who are you to call jon archer a wimp? what are you -- stupid? did it look like i was siding with him? did it? you want to play with scummy organ grinders, you better be prepared. do you have protection? i mean like. protection. next time -- slip it in low, then twist it -- so the wound doesn't close. go on, get out of here. no wonder he spent all his time chasing me. who can deal with this family shit? jon archer. where is he? we've got him sighted. okay, pollux, pull out. i've never been more certain of anything. get everyone in position. remember -- shoot to kill. it's too late, jon. your kid loves me. and your wife's an animal. even i can't keep up with her. tonight i'm going to make her come like niagara falls -- to celebrate your death. pollux. get a medic -- now! what the fuck do you think happened? castor troy just shot him! what are you waiting for? go! what is it? me -- 'erratic'? victor, what are you talking about? okay, vic, i have a confession to make. but you aren't gonna like it. i'm castor troy. now you understand. cancel my four o'clock. and send for the paramedics. victor lazarro's having a heart attack. where should i be? where's everyone else? what? obviously someone else knows it! get everybody back to their posts -- now! i want you guys here around-the- clock. and stay off the lawn. you're all in knots. maybe another date night will help you relax. you think i've been acting strange. like a completely different person. okay, i have a confession to make. but you aren't going to like it. and to prove it, i'm taking you and jamie away on a trip -- right after the memorial service. victor lazarro had a heart seizure. right in my office. it was horrible. first tito. now victor. . please don't tell me i'm going to lose you, too. what was that? something bit me. that's what you're going to explain to me. not as ill as he's going to be. sorry. but what's a guy to think when his wife runs off in the middle of the night? stay here. watch her like a hawk. who cares? she's going to be dead by tonight anyway. they're all going to be dead. the wife, the kid. and the father. where's jamie? i'll deal with her later. lars -- take jamie, bring the car around, then meet us at that boathouse. come on, baby. i've got a surprise for you. look who we caught creeping around -- castor troy. before i turn him in, i thought we'd pay him back for everything he's put us through. come on, baby. join the fun -- too bad. part of me was hoping you didn't know. did you really think it would be that easy, you dumb fucks? sorry, baby. castor troy is about to murder you and our daughter. but i promise you won't die unavenged. it was between you and me. even your little boy -- that wasn't supposed to happen. but you couldn't let it go. appealing to my sense of 'family' won't work, jon. i thought you knew me better than that i imagine i've got a dozen kids -- so what? no more head games. first your wife dies. then your daughter. then you. just one big happy family. dietrich -- aldo -- sasha? you're making a mistake. i'm castor -- he's archer. sasha, baby -- just give me a minute to explain! not if i kill you first. give it here, jamie. it's a trick, jamie. i'm your father. shoot him, jamie. shoot him! you dunce. no kid of mine would miss so badly. just saving the taxpayers the cost of a trial. so take a hike. i'm ordering you to back off! can't blame me for trying. say goodbye to daddy -- you ungrateful delinquent! give me your weapon -- now! limps away from the boatyard, towards the slips -- alive with sunbathers and yachters. fires -- peppering the dock. swerves wildly -- trying to throw archer off. you won't shoot me, jon. i'm unarmed. it'll never be over, jon. every time you look in the mirror. you'll see my face.