if you're in such a fucking hurry -- why are you wasting your time with me? i'm just an art dealer. you've never proven any of that. and when my bitchy, never-been- laid femi-nazi lawyer gets here, she's going to. okay! castor called me but i blew him off. i swear i never saw him. and i don't know anything about any bomb! jon archer. some poor schmuck's in big trouble. jesus christ, castor. you're gonna get me busted! man, when you came to me about that bomb -- i knew i should have blown you off. but that's my fucking curse -- i just can't say no to a friend. that's my other curse. we all have a reason to hate jon archer. we all want to see him dead -- it's all worked out. caz has archer's routine down cold. come on -- let's drink to it! how about one of your famous toasts, caz? when even castor troy can't handle a tab of quantrex. that, dear friends, is the first sorry whiff of old age. let's go! they're like cockroaches! if we make it, we'll meet up at my malibu place. you remember it, caz? that's right, archer. now drop 'em. sasha -- !