that's right -- it's all about you. don't even ask me what happened. like you'd ever fucking believe me! -- i got your e-mail, karl. that poem was really sweet -- hang on a sec. i'll call you back. you're not respecting my boundaries. 'janie'? clarissa left those here. when did you start smoking? don't make me beat your butt again, dad. it's harmful to my developing psyche. gotta go. karl's here. no. karl, please. my father -- he's got a gun -- he'll -- he'll -- that's just like you. some guy tries to rape me -- and you side with him. you mean like. condoms? for me? thanks anyway, mom -- but i wanted to be here for you. and dad. who are you? will someone please tell me what's going on? will dad be dad again? and you guys say my life is screwed up. dad? i'm sorry i shot you, dad. am i grounded?