you're 26 minutes late. the casing didn't fit -- right? i knew that cheap-shit dietrich would rip us off.
you're kidding, right? he's kidding.  .  are you fucking kidding!?
i hate when you call me bro.
forget it -- go! go!
where's my brother?! i want to see my brother!
that bomb was just a crossword puzzle to me.  a mental exercise. i never built it.
hey, bro.
of course it's pollux, what the fuck's wrong with you?
you realize, of course, that magnetic humming is designed to drive us insane. if we all don't get brain tumors first.
it's like they're begging us to riot. where the fuck are we, anyway? gotta go.
 i'm worried about you.
your jumpshot has no arc. you used to swagger.  now you swish. you're gumming that butt like a catholic school girl. and why do you keep picking at your finger?
you pollinated his wife the day he was arrested. how could forget that?
man -- that was the worst day of our lives!
retching and convulsing while those bastards didn't even try to save her sorry ass. you gave her mouth to mouth -- man -- even then you had some constitution. remember what you swore to me at the funeral?
after that. you promised you'd always take care of me.
only one you've never broken.
no shit.  five million bucks.  now those red militia crackpots get to keep it.
what's worse than losing five million bucks?
yeah -- well.  the l.a. convention center will have to do.
'thanks'? i guess they really did fuck you up.
'look good'? seeing that face -- i want to vomit.
sounds like they took your brain, too?
the drug agents we could expose. the movie stars we could blackmail!
 that somebody would get rich. and, i suppose, the nation would be pretty pissed-off.
it's an audacious dream, caz. but jon archer is hardly a household name.
-- i thought he might visit some old friends of yours. and bro, if i didn't know better -- i'd swear this guy likes being you.
remember me? your 'baby brother'?
you tricked me into telling you things i never told anyone.
now take it to your grave.