jon, these people have been working round the clock -- you gotta cut them some slack. a jet was chartered at anderson airfield. guess who just showed up to pay for it? pollux troy. but there's still no sign of castor. you're not playing chicken with two tons of aluminum. -- not unless you want that 200 i.q. splattered all over the floor. we got him now, jon. tell me he didn't get away again. he needs some surgery, but he's going to be okay. that's the good news. brodie and miller from special ops need to see you. don't worry, sir. it's all an act. just dietrich's sister. jon, this is goddam insane. you can't do it. you haven't got a chance in hell of fooling pollux. castor drinks, smokes and walks around with a 24- hour hard-on. he's nothing like you -- it's not that simple, jon. becoming another person -- especially him -- nobody can come all the way back from that. not even you. nice catch. but you used the wrong hand. shoot me. shoot me! you want to be castor troy? if you hesitate for a breath, you're finished! now -- shoot me! kill me! you can't do it. because castor is tougher than you. jon -- are you all right? we're down to 72 hours. let's call lazarro. castor troy just came out of his coma. watch this hard-case -- he'll bite your nuts off if he gets the chance!