you are now an erewhon inmate -- a citizen of nowhere. human rights zealots, the geneva convention and the p.c. police have no authority here. you have no right. when i say your ass belongs to me -- i mean it. bend over. step into them. don't sniff 'em, you perv. just step into them. so's a noose. now keep your mouth shut. the prison's one big magnetic field. the boots'll tell us where you are -- every second of the day. 201 to population. i've got fifty bucks says you're dead by dinner. don't disappoint me. hold that lock down. lock 'em down. you'll what? that's two strikes, dubov. one more and you know where you're going. back to your 'suites' -- or no dinner. you have a visitor. sorry, sir. better be nice, castor. you could get mighty lonely now that pollux is gone. archer cut him a deal for turning state's evidence. he's been released. or what? you'll have me fired? you're confined until i say otherwise. a special privilege today: tv -- by order of agent jon archer of the f.b.i. looking for trouble, castor? bite hard, scumbag, 'cause you'll be gumming baby food from here on out. there!