we've had everything from psychics to satellites on this. even if castor was here. he must have slipped the net by now. is that stick ever gonna fall out of his ass? forget it. he's knee-deep in georgia swamp by now. we're all really sorry about tito. if that bomb is out there -- we're almost out of time. stop the presses -- jon archer found a personality. you picked a helluva day to leave your beeper off! castor's dead! it hasn't been recovered yet. what happened? commander, what are you doing here? backing you up! didn't you track castor to the parthenia street terminal? you radioed in your personal security code. nobody knows that code but you. sure. what's wrong? we heard gunshots -- hold it. you're both under arrest until a d.n.a. test proves who's who. put the gun down -- he called you 'archer' -- sir. i'm sorry, eve. you can't come. take her home. but he works for us.