sorry, jack. i told dee and the kids i'd be home by dinner. you know, it being christmas eve and all. i don't know. maybe. you're right, jack. sorry. jack approaches alan. why jack? jack, of course. please, call me alan. we try to cultivate a casual atmosphere around here. you have kids, jack? thats great. why dont you have a seat? a broker? really. and now youre in the tire business? uh huh. the retail end, i understand. mind if i ask what kind of sales you did last year? ballpark. uh huh. one point seven. and what do you project for this year? really. so youre projecting what, a tad over two million? im not trying to knock the tire business, jack. im sure you do. what about me? id love to. thats our war room. we did seven major deals last year, three of them hostile. lets cut the shit, huh campbell? what, did you go through his wallet or something? i dont think youre hearing me. thank god, jacks here. ill call you right back. its not good. bob thomas has secretly been talking to a european drug company. were not sure which one, julias on it right now. word is theyre willing to let him buy a minority stake and keep running the entire company. the global people are up in arms. they say we shouldve been prepared for this. were in trouble here, jack. excuse me? is this another one of those sun tzu art of war tricks? so what are we gonna do, jack?