jingle bells, santa s mells, rudolph laid an egg. la la la, la-la la la, la la la la la. mom, dont you think we need to open the presents? cmon, dad. get up! whats that? youre not really our dad, are you? wheres my real dad? they did a pretty good job. the aliens. in the mother ship. you look just like him. do you like kids? you know how to make chocolate milk? you promise not to kidnap me and my brother and implant stuff in our brains? welcome to earth. stop here. i have winter camp until four, then ballet until five thirty. try not to be late because kids dont like to be the last one picked up. bye. big eds. thats where you work. mary janes, mom. you promised. put the bicycle back on the ground. not bad. i shoulda warned you. dad always does something really special for their anniversary. one year he had a solar system named after her. mom liked it. thats good but. you did forget the anniversary. youre really gettin the hang of this. the black one. im not worried, mom. hes still learning our ways. really? mary had a little lamb. i knew youd come back. ringing my bell. is it morning yet?