oh yeah. yeah, yee-ah! she's a certified winner. paper- thin but good as gold. y'all do the lotto here? `cause i got me a winner. i know, i know, lotto keeps the black man down. but not me. 06. 14. 18. 48. right there. four numbers. that's two hundred and thirty eight dollar. merry christmas and shit. what're you talkin' about? what!? look at the ticket! you're lookin' at me, you're not even lookin' at the ticket! you first generation, xenophobic, money-theistic, hot pastrami sandwich making. look at the goddamn ticket!! was i talkin' to you?! guy in $2,000 suit gets ass kicked tryin' to be a hero. film at eleven. what?! oh no, not another lookie-loo. you know how big a job this is? you're double bookin' me! you're gonna get double billed! shit! do you want to die? do you wanna die?! yes you do. damn, you are the real thing. c'mon, jack, let's get outta here. you were lookin' at me, papa, you shoulda been lookin' at the ticket. that ticket was legit, b. you're fake. i call all you white guys "jack." you know you seem pretty relaxed for a guy who just had a gun pulled on him. a lucky streak, huh? sound pretty sure of yourself, don't you? so you're telling me, you've got a gun to your head and you don't think for one second, what if this, what if that, maybe i shouldn't do this, i shoulda done that. okay, jack. nice doing business with you. cash is about to take off. you want to talk about regrets, you're talking to the wrong person. yeah, in most cases that'd be true. wait a minute, wait a minute. you're tryin' to save me? oh man, you're serious. this man thinks i need to be saved! yeah? what do you need? you just said everyone needs something. wow. it must be great being you. you got it all. you still think this is about me, don't you? oh man, i'm gonna enjoy this one. just remember, jack, you did this. you brought this on yourself. miss me, jack? its a callable asset seized in accordance with the acquisition by-laws of your alt-fate contract. basically, its my car now. get in. might wanna fasten your seat belt, jack. this kinda thing makes a lotta guys throw up. seen it happen. so if you get the urge, do it out the window. i dont want you marring this exquisite leather interior. no? cmon, jack. ive got everything i need, i dont have regrets, thats just not for me. sound familiar? everyone else in that store is a statue, they see their lives passing in front of their eyes, but not you. youre making a business deal. you? what about me? im working hard for you here, jack. on christmas too! now you did a good thing last night, intervening that way. i was moved. its a glimpse, jacko. look, eventually, everybody gets one. some of em take a couple seconds. . some of em take a lot longer. figure it out. you got plenty of time. as long as it takes to figure it out. which, in your case, could be considerable. do i look like i need your money. it doesnt work like that and i cant tell you why. because you got to figure it out for yourself. are you listening to me? look jack, in my experience the best way people deal with this is to just relax and breathe through it. let it come to you. oh youre working on a new deal now. did i mention that? here. do i look like i live in a bottle? look jack im late. id love to help you out some more but i gotta go handle my business. happy trails. fine. you want to know everything, ill tell you everything. but not here. lets get some air. thatll be sixty five cents, little angel. jack, its good to see you. everything okay? cmon, jack. you know what the word glimpse means, j? its by nature an impermanent thing.