eight forty-five on christmas eve and jack campbell is still at his desk. there's a hallmark moment for you. that's because i'm a heartless bastard who only cares about money. i just got a call from terry haight. bob thomas is nervous. someone's gonna have to nurse him through this. i need you, tiger. aspen. you're a credit to capitalism, jack. you suddenly having trouble getting dates? then leave it in the past. old flames are like old tax returns. you keep `em in the file cabinet for three years and then you cut `em loose. i seem to have had some kind of blow out. do i know you? well, im impressed. this has my office address on it. why dont you drop it off yourself? were really more of a boutique operation, as you can see. alan, this is jack campbell. the one i was telling you about. lets let the man have his say. he certainly has your number, alan. thats easy. youve seen my car. oh? and how would you know that? alan, why dont you show jack around a bit.