everyone thought i was safe behind those shields. it did, ben. it worked perfectly. i've always wanted power. now i've got an unlimited supply. take a good look, ben. this is what a man looks like who embraces his destiny. one down, three to go. right on cue. no, reed. i did. exactly what i said i would: i built a better, stronger being. and outsmarted the great reed richards -- you always know best. so tell me. what happens when you superheat rubber? never better, jimmy. and it's doctor doom now. why the long face? chemistry 101, part two. what happens to rubber when it's super- cooled? allow me. painful? you don't know the meaning of the word. but you will. flame off. how romantic. it's doctor doom to you. do you really think fate turned us into gods so we could refuse these gifts? sue please, let's not fight. susan. you're fired. marco. polo. one more down. now it's just the scientist and his specimen. and so four became none. it's my time now. and you can't stop me. hello susan. what is this? the pitiful three? this is going to be fun. is that the best you can do? a little heat? no.