captain on the bridge! digital camera: $254. memory stick: $59. the look on your hard-ass former co's grill when he finds out he's your junior officer: priceless. keep the hot side hot, and the cool side cool! actually, the engines are smes. hydrogenbase, carbon propellant. couple generations past your last ride. i'm not as dumb as you look. if you behave, maybe next time daddy'll let you drive. please tell me your dawg's not trying to rekindle things with my sister. yeah, well, his eyes say different. let's see: you got victor, stud of the year, more coin than god? or reed, the world's dumbest smart guy worth less than a postage stamp. hmmm, it's a toss-up. don't you wander off, boy. what about you? come on big guy, you can do it! ben! ben! back on earth. victor's medical facility. we're in quarantine. they're fine. everybody else. is fine. i swear to you they've done everything humanly possible. the best plastic surgeons in the world, ben. you had the best -- they said that's not such a good idea, the shock alone could -- unfortunately, the doctors just couldn't do anything to fix your face! nice 'do. going for the "grandpa" look? i don't know if "we've" noticed, but the sickest runs this side of the alps are right outside that window -- finish the tests, i know -- could you give me a hand with this zipper? not yet. luckily grandma still sends care packages. brubbles my triddle name. so are you! i've never felt better in my life. when do you get off work? meet me at 4:01, top of the run. that'll give you a minute to freshen up. me like-y. i though we went over this. not this again -- care to join me? you guys will not believe what just happened! now what is up with that? cool. what'd it do to you guys? please tell me you go silent too. flame on, flame off. flame on, flame off -- okay, "mom." oh, you dawg you. better not be my nurse! ewwwwwwww. that is disgusting. what is that thing? anybody know where the big guy's going? not even ben deserves that. this is wrong in so many ways. i'm gonna need serious therapy. nice. okay. done thinking. that'd be me. working on it. and it's a lot harder -- symptoms? please. if having powers is a disease, then yeah we got it. and we are gonna blow your minds. there's a new day dawning. the day of the fantastic four. what he's trying to say is: every team needs a mascot. smile, ben. they want to like you. give 'em your good side. or your less bad side. twenty? from outside the place looks a lot taller. either we're moving really fast. or not at all. wait. you mean there's chance we could be full-on-24-7-fantastic? is that a trick question? c'mon, i can't be the only one who thinks this is cool. this place is deluxe. you got cable? i can go hotter! you're really cramping my style here. sweet. gotcha. okay. supernova bad. what are you trying to say? just because i dress well and like to dance -- oh, well that's easy: i'm hot. you're. well, you're a little limp. sue's easy to see through. and ben's always been a hardass. why aren't you writing this down? okay guys, we have a serious problem. he's right. these costumes are. missing something. i can't put my finger on it -- i'm getting sick of being trapped here. nasa wasn't even this strict! how far's that rubber bend? right, whatever, have fun. hey, ronnie renner! i'm a big fan. my bad. sorry about that. thanks for the lesson, bro. not too much, but i will say that it's all weather and no leather. kind of armani meets astronaut. i go by the human torch. the ladies call me torch. uh, we call my sister the invisible girl. the invisible girl. well, i wouldn't say he's the leader. that's it. just the thing. we would have gone with the rock, but it was taken. and "thing" pretty much sums it up. actually, between us, i think he's got some problems staying rigid. dude. that's my sister. where's my ride? what the?! is that my -- you're gonna pay for that, pebbles. what?! what if some of us don't want to be "normal" again? we didn't all turn into monsters like -- let's see if we can get blood from a stone. blockhead started it! act. here we go again. reed, what if we got these gifts for a reason? what if we have some, you know. like, calling? is there any higher? this is who we are reed. accept it. or better yet: enjoy it. gotta take care of the fans, right? and we don't want to let the people down now, do we? videogames? you serious? you talk to reed and sue about this? christmas come early! check it out! hey! that's a prototype! yeah, for the last time, i hope. i'm done with this freak show. i'm moving back to the real world. at least it beats living in a lab like somebody's science project. look around, sis! she's not here. so you can stop talking to me like i'm your little boy -- let's try something new: you live your life. and i'll live mine. and just for the record: they love me. what do you say we get out of here? this your boyfriend? sue! i'm sorry, sis, for leaving you guys -- jesus, ben! i go away, look what happens. you got a lot of explaining to do. really? with a name like von doom? never saw that one coming. great. heat-seeker. sis. let me take care of you for once. well then this'll be one hell of a basejump. come on. come on. come on. had a little relapse, huh? welcome back. but all these people. damn, i love this job. dude, that's still my sister. hey, i'm mr. sensitivity now. clear the way, wide load coming through.