and if he's not? they're ready for you, sir. our numbers are through the roof. the ipo's tracking at fifty, sixty a share. the bank's five times oversubscribed -- then what is it? harry winston sends his regards. recording, sir. we see you perfectly. stable. we're looking at low twenties. it's a good number, considering the fallout from -- sir, i'm sure he wouldn't put himself -- actually, uh, people seem to think the scar "humanizes" you. you know, maybe you should get some rest -- sir, i've always wondered. why sue? you could have any woman in the world but -- yes sir. you've got the mayor at eight, then a nine-thirty interview with the journal -- top left, like you asked. today wall street. tomorrow, who knows. maybe washington. uh, sir. larry king called, to cancel. apparently, there's a bigger story. sir. reed's comments at that press conference killed us. how are we going to turn this around? is reed any closer to a cure? sir, is everything okay? what happened to your? ben! they need you back at the baxter building. it's. reed. yes sir.