well, victor, the bank would like to congratulate you. on the fastest freefall since the depression. we can't even give your stock away. you promised a cure-all, and came back with this. who the hell's going to invest in a biotech company that turns its workers into circus freaks? you've got a week, victor. one week to turn this around. or we pull out. this meeting is over. this is how you "turn things around"? these freaks are on the front page and your company's in the obituaries. victor, stop. the bank's lost enough already. this isn't a negotiation. it's a notification. we're pulling out. reward. we all know the sales pitch, vic. and frankly, we're done buying. gentlemen. hello? von doom? gave me a little shock. no hard feelings, right? nothing personal. you know, you could always move back to latvura, start fresh. maybe that's where you belong, back in the "old country."