he's right, ben. it's just business. ben, it's been too long. never better. ancient history. you sure about this, reed? i was talking about us. working together. right. that's exactly what i meant. i'll schedule the launch. call me in the morning to talk about resources and crew. it's been changed. well, he's welcome to ride shotgun, but we already have a pilot on our payroll. you remember my brother johnny. victor did. the synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to your individual needs to -- great minds think alike. long way from the projection booth at the hayden planetarium, isn't it? we can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the tests from here. i understand the business reasons. it's been a good two years, victor. the company's accomplished so much. uh, victor, i hope i haven't done something to make you think. johnny. reed. what are you doing? you can't leave them out there. i can try. johnny! reed! i can only stay for one drink, ben. i've got to meet with victor. yes, thanks. you always had a way with words. i should be getting back. you're happy for me and victor. which was? you are such a dork, reed. you never got it and never will unless it's explained to you in quantum physics. it's never what you say. it's what you don't say. what you don't do. it's been two years, and all you can say is you're happy for me and some other guy. you know, victor may be a lot of things, but at least he's not afraid to fight for what he wants. and it's nice to be wanted sometimes. to be heard. seen. reed, look at me. what? what do you mean you -- it has to be the cloud. it's fundamentally altered our dna. apparently i can disappear. johnny. stop it. open up ben, we need to talk. i think that thing is ben. victor, are you feeling alright? we need to find him. victor, i'm sorry i -- what now? reed? what do we do? ben's out there. let's go get him. what? what? oh. shut up. any more ideas, reed? maybe you should strip down next, see how it feels to have fifty people staring -- oh. well then. reed! ben! look out! johnny, slow down. let's think this through, a second. we don't know much more than you do, at this point. which is why we will be going directly to the lab, where we can diagnose our symptoms and -- jimmy. good to see you again. how come ben can't turn it on and off like us? if it happened to him, then it could. grow up, johnny. you want to run around on fire for the rest of your life? victor, your scar -- i'm sorry i didn't get a chance to -- thank you, that's generous, but i think i should stay here. with my brother. until we get a handle on this. we need to give you a physical, so we know what got zapped. you were at 4000 kelvin. any hotter, you're approaching supernova -- that's the temperature of the sun. he cooked the equipment. what about you? you haven't eaten in days. how come you're never on this side of the microscope? bruises. from the bridge? i've had some headaches. migraines. excuse me? anger. rage. frustration. i'm sure i can come up with something. i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to do that. you must think that was some kind of latent hostility or -- are you kidding? reed. i was ready for the next step, you weren't, ergo, i walked. i just wanted to share an apartment. what was so complicated about that? no. there weren't. there was you. and me. no variables, no math. it was actually the simplest thing in the world. but your head got in the way. like it always does. same old reed. too much thinking. the suit will stretch. you should try it -- we're not taking them out. johnny, we need to stay here till we've stabilized. what are you doing? and reverse the mutations -- but we're the focus, right reed? reed? and you sure you can control this thing? last time didn't work out so well. you really need to get a janitor. this must be what it looks like inside your head. sorry. my fault. i won't. touch anything. you said it was urgent. victor, wait, slow down a second. i want you to know i appreciate everything you've done for me, but i just don't -- he's working round the clock. but the data needs to be tested, analyzed before -- if these molecules aren't stable, they could make us worse, maybe even kill us. please don't make this personal -- victor, we can't do anything until the research is ready. that's new. have you read these? from all over. people want us to fight crimes. save their kids. solve their problems. . when we can't even solve our own. reed. how close are we to a cure? we're not specimens, we're patients. this isn't just another science project to you, is it? he didn't. what did he do to the uniform?! girl?! i'm driving. you gave us names? what are you, the "face" of the fantastic four now? you two need a time-out. damn it, johnny. ben! slow down. he didn't mean it. you know johnny. he's always been a hothead -- just give reed a little more time. you know how he works -- analyzing every little step before he takes one -- no, it's not. i thought i was done waiting for reed. we're all in this together now, ben. can i talk to you? don't let victor push you into making a mistake -- better than your life. victor's not the one who has to get into that thing. we are. every variable but yourself. you don't eat, sleep. you can't live in your head like -- so clear it out. get out of your head. get out of here. reed. shh. just be quiet. and look up. remember our first date here? god, i was so nervous. of course i was. i'd read all your papers on bioethics. some of them two times just so i'd have something to say to you. i gave him twenty. i didn't want that night to end. i did. i did, reed. but i wanted you to be that man. when i walked out, i waited ten minutes outside your door. ten. waiting for you to come find me. that would have kinda defeated the purpose. and reed. i'm saying it now. come find me. that's my nose, genius. these are my lips. ben! stop it! or i'll stop it. johnny? did you see ben? is that what you call it? "real"? johnny, slow down. think. you know mom didn't raise us to -- as soon as you stop acting like one. come on, you're smarter than this. you think those people out there care about you? you're just a fad to them. oh god, reed. what did you do, reed? what did you do? reed, stop, you need to rest your -- you need a doctor. ben?! no, i'm sorry, for pushing you out. where is reed? what are you doing -- but johnny. you can't fly. ben, you got what we all wanted. you need to stay here. it's too dangerous. what has he done to you? victor, please -- we know the machine works. it worked on ben, it'll work on you. we can turn you back -- victor. you always thought you were god. no, victor. let's. me too, reed. can't. hold. on. i'm sure i can come up with something. you know, about what we said up there, i think maybe -- hilarious. a gasket? reed, we're at a party. reed. what are you doing? yes. that's my nose, genius. these are my lips.