but dreams don't pay the bills, do they? same old reed, the hopeless optimist. still reaching for the stars, with the world on your back. so it's not my money you want. it's my toys. tell me: if nasa doesn't trust you, why should i? that's my job. to stay a step ahead. to know what other men don't. i think you both know my director of genetic research, susan storm. this isn't going to be a problem, is it? good. then you're just in time to hear the great reed richards ask me for help. you know, you made a lot of folks at mit feel like a junior high science fair. so you'll excuse me if i savor the moment. the number's seventy-five. and it's applications and patents. twenty-five percent of a billion is enough to keep the lights on, isn't it? maybe even pay off your fourth mortgage on the baxter building. deal? well then, to our future. together. funny how things turn out, isn't it? if reed's right, then this little trip will double our stock offering. reed's always right. good thing he doesn't always know what he's got. guess some think faster than others. i hired armani to design the pattern. these colors will look great on camera. showtime. it's not just the money. i could make money in my sleep. history, leonard. history. everything else is conversation. how's the other matter? today we stand on the edge of a new frontier. in the furthest depths of outer space. we will find the secrets to inner space. the final key to unlocking our genetic code lies in a cosmic storm. think of a world without genetic flaws -- no asthma, allergies, baldness, breast cancer. darwin discovered evolution. now we -- i -- will define it. only in america could. a little country boy from latveria build one of the biggest companies in the world, and truly reach the stars. now if you'll excuse me, history awaits. leonard, how's the feed? what's wrong, ben? eighty-million dollars worth of equipment not enough for you? so you still do all the heavy lifting? maybe you should have stayed back in the lab. field work never suited you. got it. so take a walk, ben. i'm going to borrow susan for a second. surprised i agreed to reed's proposal? well, when you're looking at your future, it never hurts to find closure about the past. susan, every man dreams that he'll meet some woman he can give the world to. in my case, it's not just a metaphor. you've been with me two years now. right, of course, the company. but you see, i've come to realize all the accomplishments in the world mean nothing without someone to share them with -- sue, i've lived my life unafraid of taking big steps. and this is the biggest step yet. if it helps, think of this as a promotion. a merger of sorts. four little words that can change our lives. get a grip. reed. we didn't come all this way to lose our nerve at the first little glitch. just close the shields. so reel him in. but we came here to do a job. so let's do it. quickly. reed, we're running out of time. reed, you need to get up here so we can close the shields! now! it's too late for him, and soon it'll be too late for all of us. raising the shields. watch me. reed had his chance. you can't help them any more than i can. accused by who? my competitors? danger is always part of discovery. what would have happened if ben franklin never went out in a storm? without risk, there's no reward. and you'll have it. i've never come up short. and i'm not going to start now. yes, of course. i've never been more confident in the compan-- how's the ipo? reed's disaster. you know, i half- think he did this to me on purpose. get me on the am shows, larry king, cover of the journal. i've got to do something about this scar. make sure they only shoot my right side. and that's a good thing? later. first, i've got some unfinished business. a deal that needs closing. that's why. because i could have any other woman. you know, when they asked caesar "why england," he said, "because it's not mine." what's going on? just a little banged up. a couple scrapes. why? ben did this? just find him. make sure you find ben, bring him back here. and keep it quiet. i don't need this to hit the press. front page? leonard. think bigger. ned, you know i can turn this around. i really appreciate all your support. goddamn book-keeper doesn't know preferred stock from livestock. very simple. i cure them. if i can cure these freaks, then i can cure anyone. what better way to restore my reputation? god, i've been so worried about you. i told you, i'm fine. it's you i'm worried about. please, no apologies. i've arranged for your things to be moved to one of my condos. you'll have round-the clock care. sue. i think you should let my doctors have a look at you. i'm starting to wonder the same thing. how much do you know about what happened to you? well, let me know if there is anything i can do. we're all in this together now. didn't go as planned? it was a catastrophe. you ruined the lives of four people -- abort? reed, i put my company, my name, billions of dollars on the line, and i will not let you make me look like a fool -- i don't want to understand it. this isn't one of your science projects. i just want to fix it. fast! no problem, ben. just pay your goddamn electric bill, and get to work on a cure. so what's the prognosis? and they're changing into. like the shields reed said would protect us. how long? what do you mean "complete"? what? look at me. i have a life. i'm the face of a billion-dollar-company. we need to keep this confidential, understand? that's terrible news. but i think i'll get a second opinion. the only thing he's closer to is sue. make me a reservation for two at cipriani tonight. and get this over to ben grimm. thank you for coming out to see me. it is. there's something we need to talk about. something i need to ask you. susan. what are you doing? you think i brought you here to talk about us? please. this is business. i need to know: how close is reed to finding to a cure? same old reed. all analysis, no action. wasn't that the problem with you two? then why is reed dragging his feet? maybe he likes having his prize specimen under glass. it's ironic, isn't it? you're finally the perfect woman for him. because you're his science project. oh, i think you already have. "we," huh? don't forget who you work for, susan. so get to work. and do your job. i have a plan to use their publicity for -- you need to look long-term here. without risk, there's no -- it's pronounced latveria. this meeting's over, ned. reed. he got what he wanted. everything he wanted. he took from me. now i'm going to take it back. piece by bloody piece. don't worry about me. worry about yourself. what i should have done a long time ago. applications and patents, reed. this all belongs to me. which is precisely the point. analysis is over. it's time for action. my men could have mass- produced this by now. re-create the storm, invert the polarity here, reverse the mutation there. don't talk to me like i'm some schoolboy. i've got the same phd you do. reed. i'm not asking permission. we'll build it, while you check the specs. need a ride, johnny? a few fans. hope you don't mind. look, i built my business knowing what people want. and right now, the people want you. no we don't. which is why we need to strike while the iron's hot. i'm talking action figures, videogames, sponsors -- johnny. let's be honest here. ben, reed, sue. good people, all. but stars? i don't want to break up the band, but you're the one they want. don't you think it's time to go solo? take the car for a spin. think about it. is this the life you want? or would you rather live in reed's lab? this seat taken? i'm worried about you. come on. let me buy you something to eat. looks like you could use the company. i know it can't be easy. life hasn't changed that much for reed, sue and johnny. at least they can go out in public. but for you? people staring. whispering behind your back. i'm just saying, i know what it's like to lose something you love. to see it slip away, and know it's never coming back. for your sake i hope you're right. i'm sorry if that sounds a little skeptical. look, he's a brilliant man, we should trust he's working as hard as he can. you're his best friend. so what possible reason could he have for taking his time? i mean, other than getting close to sue? more power? leonard. bring me our lab rat. ben, come in. where do you think? with sue. i'll take it from here, leonard. to help you. i've run every test known to man. and they all yield the same result: the machine is ready. he also said we'd avoid that storm in space. and we know how that turned out. he couldn't generate enough power for the machine to reach critical mass. yet another mistake for "mr. fantastic." yes. i've found a new energy source. tell me. do you want to be ben grimm again?