hiya, norm. how ya doin', margie? how's the fricasse? no, i gotta - hey, norm, i thought you were goin' fishin' up at mile lacs? the numbers y'asked for, calls made from the lobby pay phone at the blue ox. two to minneapolis that night. first one's a trucking company, second one's a private residence. a shep proudfoot. shep proudfoot. that's a name. yah. oh, yah? twin cities? mr. mohra? officer olson. uh-huh. i unnerstand. ya got that right. white bear lake? oh sure. what'd this guy look like anyways? uh-huh - in what way? okay, well, thanks a bunch, mr. mohra. you're right, it's probably nothin', but thanks for callin' her in. yah, got a front movin' in.