love ya, margie. yah? brought ya some lunch, margie. what're those, night crawlers? thanks, hon. uh-huh. pretty good. found out the hautmans are entering a painting this year. they're real good. yah, ya think? not too bad. you know. oh, yah? yah, after lunch. oh, yah? yah, okay. how's the hotel? yeah, couple a muskies. no pike yet. how d'you feel? not on your feet too much? you shouldn't be on your feet too much, you got weight you're not used too. how's the food down there? was it reasonable? yah, it's good. no pike yet, but it's good. they announced it. yah. three-cent stamp. yah. it's just the three cent. hautman's blue-winged teal got the twenty-nine cent. people don't much use the three-cent. yah. yah, i guess. i love you, margie. two more months.