thank you, hon. how's fargo? dad's here. yah. yah. pretty good, mr. lundegaard. you're damned hard to get on the phone. that's for sure. now, i just need, on these last, these financing documents you sent us, i can't read the serial numbers of the vehicles on here, so i - yeah, the three hundred and twenty thousand dollars, you got the money last month. yeah, but the vehicles you were borrowing on, i just can't read the serial numbers on your applicaton. maybe if you could just read them to me - yeah, but we have an audit here, i just have to know that these vehicles you're financing with this money, that they really exist. i'm sure they do - ha ha! but i can't read their serial numbers here. so if you could read me - no, fax is no good, that's what i have and i can't read the darn thing - okay, because if i can't correlate this note with the specific vehicles, then i gotta call back that money - three hundred and twenty thousand dollars. see, i gotta correlate that money with the cars it's being lent on. no, no, fax is - okay. yah, is this marge? margie olmstead? this is mike yanagita. ya know - mike yanagita. remember me? all right, jerry, you got this phone to yourself? know who this is? circumstances have changed, jerry. things have changed. circumstances, jerry. beyond the, uh . acts of god, force majeure. jerome lundegaard? this is reilly deifenbach at gmac. sir, i have not yet recieved those vehicle ids you promised me. mr. lundegaard, that very well may be. i must inform you, however, that absent the reciept of those numbers by tomorrow afternoon, i will have to refer this matter to our legal department. my patience is at an end. good day, sir. marge? hey! come on in there! yah? dad? where're you going? hello? well, i'm sorry i won't see ya. what'd he say? his wife? no. no. no. no. they weren't - he, uh, he was bothering linda for about, oh, for a good year. really pestering her, wouldn't leave her alone. no. no. they never married. mike's had psychiatric problems. yah, he - he's been struggling. he's living with his parents now. yah, linda's fine. you should call her. his wife. this guy says she was kidnapped last wednesday. yah. lundegaard's father-in-law's accountant. yah. - looking. still missing. we're looking. yah. where are ya, margie? oh. gary's loudmouth. yah, it's over the wire, it's everywhere, they'll find 'em. we've got a - whose car? don't go in! wait for back-up! chief gunderson? yes, ma'am. are we the closest pd? who?. just a sec. yah. yah, just a sec. just a sec.