yah, pretty good. norstars. ooooooh! yah. he just ate. and he didn't finish. he's going to mcdonald's instead of finishing here? it's okay? mcdonald's? what do you think they do there? they don't drink milkshakes, i assure you! you told me about it. a heck of a lot. what'd you say you were gonna put there? i know it's a lot. yah, well, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars is a lot - ha ha ha! i thought you were gonna show it to stan grossman. he passes on this stuff before it gets kicked up to me. jean and scotty never have to worry. jerry around? what's goin' on there? stan grossman looked at your proposal. says it's pretty sweet. we might be innarested. come by at 2:30 and we'll talk about it. if your numbers are right, stan says its pretty sweet. stan grossman. 2:30. this is do-able. what kind of finder's fee were you looking for? stan and i're okay. we're good to loan in. but we never talked about your fee for bringin' it to us. you're sayin' that we put in all the money and you collect when it pays off? what the heck, jerry, if i wanted bank interest on seven hunnert'n fifty thousand i'd go to midwest federal. talk to bill diehl. he's at - what the heck were you thinkin'? heck, if i'm only gettin' bank interest, i'd look for complete security. heck, fdic. i don't see nothin' like that here. i'm not talkin' about your damn word, jerry. geez, what the heck're you?. well, look, i don't want to cut you out of the loop, but his here's a good deal. i assume, if you're not innarested, you won't mind if we move on it independently. - all's i know is, ya got a problem, ya call a professional! well, a course they're gonna say that! but where's my protection? they got jean here! i give these sons a bitches a million dollars, where's my guarantee they're gonna let her go. a million dollars is a lot a damn money! and there they are, they got my daughter! heck, you don't know! you're just whistlin' dixie here! i'm sayin', the cops, they can advise us on this! i'm sayin' call a professional! well - ah, dammit! well. why don't we. stan, i'm thinkin' we should offer 'em half a million. dammit! dammit! i wanna be a part a this thing! it's my money, i'll deliver it - what do they care? all the more reason! i don't want you - with all due respect, jerry - i don't want you mucking this up. they want my money, they can deal with me. otherwise i'm goin' to a professional. there's a million dollars here! look, jerry, you're not sellin' me a damn car. it's my show here. that's that. okay . here's your damn money, now where's my daughter?. goddamn punk . where's my damn daughter. you little punk. i got your goddamn money, you little punk. now where's my daughter? where's my daughter? where's my damn daughter? no jean, no money! no jean, no money! unghh . oh, geez. oh, for christ . oh, geez.