we need fifteen superstars, david! i'll take care of the fry orders! just get me the superstars! hey you guys! you had shirts on when you came in here. come on, spicoli. why don't you just put your shirts back on? see the sign? no, just a couple of surfers with no shirts on. i took care of it, dennis. they were left over from the last shift. but they weren't mine. six more payments, gentlemen. arnold. what's happening? you want to work at carl's? i can probably get you in there. just let me talk to dennis taylor. sis. everyone wants to know where lisa is. how should i know where lisa is? what am i gonna do? now my little sister goes to the same high school. the party's over. so who do you have first period? hey-yo. nothing. if you like 'hawaii five o.' you better get in class, stacy. that's not the one to be late to. you should see her in the morning. you hear about the surfer in mr. hand's class? told hand to fuck off. thompson! i hear thompson got canned at bob's this summer. where is he now? man. they make you wear a fuckin' candy stripe suit over there. poor guy. mom says to clean up the pool. your friends use the pool. your friends messed it up. i take out the garbage. they're not home yet. i'd say. who the hell is ron johnson? of course. don't worry about it. let's go to the point tonight. what's there to do at the point? god, lisa, we've been going together almost two years, and. tool? tool for what? we've been going together almost two years! come on in. don't worry about it. who sent the flowers? i don't care it you tell me or not. i got problems of my own. are you kidding? work is great. i kill at work. i don't even mind mom and dad making me pay rent. i've been doing some thinking. it's my last school year. i'm a single, successful guy. i think i want my freedom. where did you hear that? well. it's true. everybody loves lisa. everybody loves lisa. but everybody doesn't have to be her boyfriend. why? maybe yes. maybe no. i didn't say that. are you still a virgin? don't give me that shit! i know you're still a virgin! lisa? i have something to tell you. look, i'm a senior now. i'm a single, successful guy and i've got to be fair to myself. lisa. i think i need my freedom. aw, don't do that. don't take it personally, okay? please? i knew you'd understand, because. okay, dennis. may i help you? well, i believe you have to fill out a form. there's a pad right around here. well, that's not the way it works, really. and you ate most of your food already, too. i can't do that. but if you wait a minute. i'm sorry, sir. just let me find the forms here. mister, if you don't shut up, i'm gonna kick 100% of your ass. he insulted me first. he called me a moron. yes, sir. i hope you had a hell of a piss, arnold. man, i don't even want to see those guys from carl's again. apologize to that wimp? no way. fuck dennis taylor. i'm just glad we're still together, lisa, because i need you this year. all right. fish and chips place. just a fish and chips place. later. does mom know you have company? hi, linda. well, you guys, keep it down. i've got some work to do upstairs. wait just a. minute. doesn't anybody fuckin' knock anymore? i go to school in the mornings. i have a work study program for the afternoon. $8.46, please. thank you, and thanks for coming to captain kidd. just write me out a bill. this is how i dress all the time. i thought i'd take it off for the drive over to ibm. it's kind of uncomfortable. you really want me to put all this stuff back on? i don't believe you're asking me to do this, but okay. well, to tell you the truth mrs. o'rourke, i've kind of been putting it off. i'm not sure what i want to do yet. i don't know. burt reynolds. you know what, mrs. o'rourke? i broke up with my girlfriend this year. i lost my job at carl's, and two other places. i wake up at 5:30 to work at 7-11, then i go to school, then i go back to 7-11. i have to pay rent, you know. my grades haven't been that bad, and now you're telling me that the fun is over. well, i'm still waiting for the fun to start. see you later. since when do you shop at the flea market anyway? who did it? you're not going to tell me, are you? all right, then. it's your secret. go ahead. just make it quick. it's the first door on your left. it's the first door on your left! first door on your left! they empty and close the big safe here at midnight. i'm instructed to tell you that we are on a video alarm system and there are other hidden cameras in the store . okay. i just started here, and they just taught me the procedure. i'll give you the money, just let me figure this out. you motherfucker. get off my fuckin' case. there goes your ride home. since when do you guys want to work at 7-11? well, 7-11 is a tremendous operation. it's really changed, man. they've got great food, great magazines, videogames. it's class. total class. hey, thompson! wendell! get a job! later.