did you see his cute little butt? no, be cool, that's stacy's section. how's it going. don't you like him? come on, stacy, it's your section and your man. just take his order, look him in the eye and if he says anything remotely funny, laugh a lot. should we buy a frame for that? listen, stace, you want to know about guys? i'll tell you. they're mostly chicken. before i met doug i chased after every guy i thought was cute. i thought if i gave out a vibe they'd get the message and call me up. well, guess what? they don't call. i called them. if i was sitting next to a guy and i wanted to sit closer, i'd sit closer. if i wanted to kiss him, i'd just do it. you want ron johnson? grab him. face it. with some guys you have to make the first move. a lot of guys are just. wussies. stacy, what are you waiting for? you're fifteen. i did it when i was thirteen. it's no huge thing. it's just sex. if you don't, one of the other girls will. if i didn't have a fiance in chicago, i'd go for it. yes. okay, are you over sixteen? all right, what you want to do is go to the free clinic and tell the doctor that you have sex regularly - several times a week -- and that you need nornel one plus fifty's. not if you're over sixteen. and don't let them talk you into a diaphragm either. believe it. i hear some surfer pulled a knife on mr. hand this morning. god. people exaggerate so much at this school. hi, you guys. this is stacy. stacy, this is gregg adams and cindy carr. if there's one thing that never changes. it's a cheerleader. i know. actually, there are three girls at ridgemont who have cultivated the pat benatar look. none of them talk to each other. oh, give me a break, stacy. you're much prettier than them. what do you mean 'better in bed.' you either do it or you don't. what variables? what's the big deal? there's nothing to it. you just have to practice a little first. relax these muscles. think of your throat as an open tunnel. just kidding. about 10cc. was it great? so tell me, do you like ron? is it serious? hey! that's my line! don't you dare, you'll never hear from him again. doug sees beyond that stuff to what the person inside is like. that's why i'm marrying him. boy i am so glad to be through with all these games. you've got to get used to working christmas. people are always screaming and yelling. then they get home and they're all christmasy. i guess ron hasn't called yet. stacy, it doesn't look good for the relationship. stacy. what does it matter? he's a stereo salesman. you want to marry him? you want to have kids with him? you want this guy to come home, fifty years old, and he's still got that little pacific stereo badge on? come on. stacy. how many times do i have to tell you? you are really going to be beautiful. someday. hey -- ron johnson? it's his loss. oh, come on. what is he? fifteen? just watch out if he pulls up in a van, and then puts on a led zeppelin tape. i sent a letter to doug today. i'll be so glad when he gets out here. why don't you put your mother's secret book back? okay, penis, that's one, balls. you're right. probably penis, mouth and neck. climax together. no. but it's a nice idea. well. they obviously don't know about doug. i don't know. thirty to forty minutes. he works for the airline. he'll be out here. you'll meet him. he's no high school boy. i think they're both virgins. no. hi, brad. god, he hardly even talks anymore. go ahead. stacy! i've got water in my ears. do you have any q-tips? hi, brad. you know how cute i always thought you were. i think you're so sexy. will you come to me? hey, brad! do you have any q-ti. sorry. i didn't know anybody was in here. hello. yeah. you're kidding. what did he say. what did you say. how much did it cost? look, tell him he can have a relationship with you or a 'more open' relationship with someone else. listen, debbie, can i call you later. i'm waiting for doug to call. i'll bet he forgets to call again. god, stacy, it's not that sad. it's just david soul and ricardo montalban. you have been acting very strange the last few weeks. what do you think it is? it couldn't be. of course it was damone. if it was ron johnson, you'd be out to here! but it costs money to have an abortion. even at the free clinic. you tell damone to pay for it. it's the least he can do. it's the guy's responsibility too. what? you're right. i didn't tell you that. that little prick. that little prick. there goes your stereo for another year. mike damone is a no-brain little prick. i'm not letting him get away with this. stacy, he's not a guy. he's a little prick! come on. there's lots of men around here. keep your eyes open. what do you want? romance in ridgemont? we don't even get cable tv. he's not coming. he says he's got to stay in chicago. he says i should visit him sometimes. yeah, like maybe never. well i might go to dartmouth. i didn't tell anyone i applied cause i never thought i'd make it. there's a world of guys out there. i just wish i didn't have to date any of them.