good day, everyone! i just switched to sanka. i'm running a little slow today, so have a heart. today we're going to explore how this hospital works to preserve human life. we'll be visiting every floor, every level where these fine doctors and nurses take care of us, in life. and in death. over thirty children are delivered here each day. this is part of your third quarter exam, and i'd advise you to take careful notes on what we're about to see. may i just ask you one last time to conduct yourselves with the utmost maturity. as you know, all the bodies in this room are recently deceased human bio-structures. yes, randy? most of them were derelicts, randy. they sold the right for medical examination of their bodies for money. something like thirty dollars, i believe. isn't that right, doctor miller? now this gentleman here is named arthur. arthur died from heart failure last week and we are fortunate enough to view his body in its pristine state. this incision allows us to pull aside the skin covering of the chest cavity and really observe the human organs as they exist in their natural state. i want all of you to take a look at the chest cavity for just a moment. here we have the human lungs and heart, which you can see is actually located in the center of your chest.