something happened to them, mon.
yeah. i'm registered for this class.
this is u.s. history, right? i saw the globe in the window.
can i come in?
sorry i'm late. this new schedule is totally confusing.
that's the name they gave me.
you just ripped my card in two!
hey, bud. what's your problem?
you.  dick.
the motherfucker pissed me off.
i didn't take that shit.
i called him a dick. and then i reached for his class notes, and i ripped 'em up. i said, 'hey bud. two can play this game.'
i'll tell you this. if he hassles me again, i can't be responsible for what happens.  you know why?
you got it. gimme a dollar.
hey! wait a minute! there's no birthday party for me here!
i couldn't make it in time.
i don't know, mon. the food lines took forever.
i don't know.
'layin' ladies! drinkin' wine! you gotta dollar -- you're a friend of mine! gettin' loose! feelin' fine! you and me -- it's get down time! we're on the highway to hell! the highway to hell!'
outrageous, merv. nice to be here. i feel great.
i've been swimming, merv.
seriously, merv, everything is great. i was thinking about picking up some hash this weekend, maybe going up to the mountains.
school. school is no problem. all you have to do is go to get the grades. and if you know something, all you have to do is go about half the time.
i don't go at all.
well, it pretty much speaks for itself. peter, you want to run with it?
merv, this is the action down at sunset cliffs at about six in the morning.
that's me, merv.
merv, i'm thinking.  i've only got about four good hours of surfing left before these little clowns from junior high start showing up with their boogie boards.
leave me alone!
leave me alone.
be noble. be aggressive. the thing about missile command is to decimate before you can be decimated. just like in real life.
i thought he was out of town.
then don't hassle it.
naw. any good?
all right.
hold your beer down, l.c., i think it's a cop.
this is a cop. he's definitely cruising me at busting distance.
what the fuck is this guy doing?
what the fuck is this guy doing?
it's a bunch of jocks in a granada!
all right. die, granada jocks!
would you roll your window up, l.c.? it's messing my hair.
you know the thing i love about mustangs? the steering wheel.
with a genuine mustang steering wheel, you can negotiate a hairpin turn with ease, my man.
are you okay?
just be glad you're all right.
make up your mind. is he gonna shit, or is he gonna kill us?
will you just relax, mon? he's not gonna kill us. my father is a television repairman. he's got all kinds of tools. i can fix-this car.
i can fix it.
i think we may have gotten away clean.
that's me.
for you, my man.
learning about cuba. having some food.
i've been thinking about this, mr. hand. if i'm here.  and you're here.  doesn't that make it our time?
so i thought i'd order us a pizza. just leave me a lot of bologna.
you better save some for me, you swine!
twenty-five bucks is pretty good.
hey, mon, can i use the bathroom?
i can't find it, mon!
on the ledge?
there it is!
no towels, mon.
awesome. totally awesome.
i.  am.  so.  wasted, mon. what is in this shit? doesn't that stuff cause brain damage? bitchin'.
hey, mon, i am going to mexico as soon as school is out. two more weeks, bud. week from wednesday. i am gonna take both boards, my duck feet, many cases of beer, and just jam. no, mon, from school. i'm leaving as soon as school gets out. i'll be at sunset cliffs by nighttime. totally. later.
go away, curtis. if you can't knock, i can't hear you.
that's better. come in.
mr.  mr. hand.
yeah. the graduation dance mr. hand. it's the last school event of the year.
did i do something wrong, mr. hand?
i don't know. i guess so.
hey, it's in my locker, mr. hand.
 so, like, when jefferson went before the people what he was saying was 'hey, we left this place in england because it was bogus, and if we don't come up with some cool rules ourself, we'll be bogus, too!' right?
hey, mr. hand, can i ask you a question?
do you have a guy like me every year? a guy to.  i don't know, make a show of. teach other kids lessons and stuff?
no way, mon. when i graduate u.s. history i ain't even coming over to your side of the building.
you're gonna flunk me?!
all right! oh, yeah!
aloha, mr. hand!
hey, mon. sign my annual.
easy, mon.
summer, mon! we're there!
let's roll, my man.
hey, bud! watch yourselff
hey, mon, i don't know what your trip is, but.