do you think that guy's cute? does anyone else want to take his table? yeah, but i fucked up. you can take it. really. what should i do? i know, everyone says that. what can i get for you tonight. he gave me his card. 'ron johnson, audio consultant.' come on, linda, i haven't had a boyfriend all summer. you promised when i started working at the mall that my life would change. do you think he'll call this week? so what did you do? i can't do that. really? he was hot, wasn't he? i can't believe i start high school tomorrow. hi, brad. hi. where's lisa? u.s. history. mr. hand. what's wrong with mr. hand? no way! he just called him a dick. linda. that girl looks just like pat benatar. do you think guys find that attractive? yeah but they look more sophisticated. you'd probably think they'd be better in bed. no there are variables that, like, i might not be good at. like, you know, giving blow jobs. well i never did it. what happens. don't laugh at me, but when a guy has an orgasm. you know, like, how much comes out. oh! that's where that group got its name from. good night, mom. thanks for picking me up. thanks. so do you. i don't know. wherever you want. the point sounds fine. that's a nice shirt. it is. it's very warm. i wonder how long it will last? yes. i am really nineteen. what about those other guys you live with? yes. it was okay. it was nice. come on, linda. it's just sex. why can't you do it? your friends use the pool too. don't strain yourself. brad! have mom or dad seen this? brad, what would you say if i asked you to just put these flowers in the trunk of the cruising vessel and get rid of them at work? i'll explain everything later. thanks for getting rid of those flowers. it's just some guy i met at swenson's. you don't know him. is everything okay at work? you're going to break up with lisa, aren't you? why? because she won't sleep with you? i'm just guessing. maybe you just need to give her some time. she's so nice, brad. everybody loves lisa. hey, brad. are you still a virgin? i don't know. i was just curious. you are a virgin! but your face did! maybe yes. maybe no. there. there's his car. i know he's at work tonight. he hasn't come into swenson's since he called my house. my mother told him i was still at high school, after i told him i was nineteen. i guess i should tell him i'm fifteen. does doug care that you're seventeen? if he ever calls again i'll say i'm eighteen. yes, sir. i think christmas brings out the worst in people. not since november. don't you think it meant anything to him. even if i am fifteen? i should quit this job. i'm going to get so fat working here. nobody will ever take me out. thanks a lot. hi. may i help you? we keep them. we keep them, in case the people come back. here they are. you can look through it, if you want. what's your other question? do you have a pen? this one's out of ink. what do you think of that guy who works at the theatre? you know, mark ratner. sixteen. thanks for coming to get me. this is a nice car. do you have mrs. george for english? yeah. she is pretty good. i've heard that, too. i think i'll have the seafood salad special. are you all right? not at all. ) sure. i'll. have another coke. nice to meet you. me, too. i'm real sorry someone broke in and stole your tape deck. do you want to come inside? no, they're away for the weekend. brad and i are watching the house. i don't know. probably out. want something to drink? well, i'm going to change real quick. i hope you don't mind. will you unzip me? thanks! you can come in, if you want! thanks. so. what do you want to do? do you want to see some pictures? i kept a lot of scrapbooks and pictures and stuff from junior high. how stupid, right? this is me in the eighth grade. did you have mr. deegan? do you really have to go? i guess it is getting late, mark. you really ought to look at this, linda. there's a drawing on every page. and all these quizzes. it's like school. listen to this. 'what are your mate's three most erogenous zones?' wouldn't penis and balls be the same category? all right! here's another one. 'the most satisfactory lovemaking occurs when your mate climaxes first, you climax first, you and your mate climax together?' does that ever happen? listen to this . it says 'most women derive pleasure from sex, but they don't have real orgasms.' how long does doug take? what's doug do in chicago? oh, really? what do you think? i didn't ask for any help. did you, linda? o-kay, you guys can come swimming. but you have to leave as soon as my mom gets home. okay? it's just linda. and mark from school. i know. he hates to have to wear uniforms. god, i don't think so. better look in the house. i can't wait until i can drive next year. i walk every day. it's such a drag. sometimes i get a ride with my brother. but he usually works in the mornings, and then drives to school himself. mark is a really nice boy. but i think i like you. do you want to come in for a second? sure. come on in. i guess the annuals are coming in pretty soon. are you going to get one? aren't you curious to see how your class picture turned out? do you want to take a quick swim? brad probably has some trunks you can borrow. i'm going to my room to change! you don't have to shout! you can come back here to my room! come with me! i know there's a suit in the changing room! pick a suit. are you really a virgin? it's okay if it's your first time. he's my friend, too. so are you. are you shaking? why don't you take off your clothes, mike? how about both of us at the same time? i want you to know that it's your final decision if we should continue or not. hey, mike? i think we're making a lot of noise. what's wrong? i guess i did. where's mike today? what's april 16th? john bonham? oh. i see. hi mike! i didn't see you this morning. i'm in a hurry too. i just thought i could say hi to you. i made a fool of myself. what about the notes? i don't know, i'm just so depressed. everything is just so. depressing. i don't know. i just don't feel right. what do you think it is? it could be. i had a pregnancy test at the clinic. i'll find out monday. i guess it was damone. i'm not going to tell him. he's an asshole. i hate him. you know, there's one thing you didn't tell me about guys. you didn't tell me that they can be so nice, so great. but then you sleep with them and they start acting like they're five years old. mike, there's something that's been on my mind and i have to tell you about it. mike. i want you to know that i'm pregnant. i know it's yours. take that back. we've got to get an abortion? it's already planned, mike. it's going to cost $150 at the free clinic. half. okay? seventy-five dollars. and a ride to the clinic. hello. is mike there? hi, mrs. barrett. is linda there? okay. thanks. brad! hey, wait a second! yeah. this is it. i have some shopping to do. thanks a lot, brad. i really appreciate it. this is going to hurt, isn't it? does it hurt more to have a baby? uh, my boyfriend said held be waiting downstairs. brad! brad. please don't tell mom and dad. no. i really thought he would show up. i waited. and waited. and waited. then i called his house, and his mother told me he was in the garage helping his father. i paid for it and everything. don't do anything, linda. i'd rather just forget about it. i don't even like the guy. another summer of working at swenson's. you know, linda. i've finally figured it out. it's not sex i want. anyone can have sex. i want romance. mike! you have a mess on c-9! get going. where's doug? not coming? what happened? sometime? but what are you going to do? dartmouth?! i can't believe it! but what about doug? hey -- doug stallworth? it's his loss. hey mark! turn around! come over here! hi, mark. i'm fine. mark, i'm so glad you came over here because i want you to know something. i just thought i would tell you that i really enjoyed getting to know you this year. i know everybody says it, but i really mean it. yeah. i want you to have this picture, so you won't forget what i look like. and so you'll remember to call me over the summer. i'd like that.