do you ever look at those girls who work at swenson's? they're beautiful. and i have to stand out here and watch them six nights a week. i am in love. what do you mean -- wuss? this girl is my exact type. it's her. definitely her. damone, you gotta listen to me. she's in my biology class. no. no. it's too soon. well, what do you want me to do? go up to this strange girl in my biology class and say, 'hello! i'd like you to take your clothes off and jump on me?' really? you tell me, mike. what do i do? of course something happens. you put the vibe out to thirty million chicks, you know something's gonna happen. the attitude? the attitude dictates that you don't care if she comes, stays, lays or prays. whatever happens, your toes are still tappin'. when you are the cruelest and the coolest. then you have the attitude. i hear they all dress like that at lincoln now. she is immune to my charms. yeah? yes. i have two questions. i was curious. what do you do with the jackets people leave here? you keep them. it's cool. it would take too much time to go through all that stuff. i'll just pick up a new one. my other question is. can-i-have your-phone-number-so-i-can-ask-you out-sometime? oh. yes. stacy. nice to meet you, stacy. my name is mark ratner. what do i say after she gets in the car? knock it off, damone. i need real help. okay. tell me. what's the five point plan? i think i've got it. once i get going, i'll be okay. but. how do i get started? i mean, i hardly know her. sure thing. yeah. it's my sister's. yeah. she is pretty good. joey at cinema four said this is a pretty good restaurant. do you know what you want? excellent. oh yeah. do you mind if i excuse myself for a moment? well. sure. she will have the seafood salad special. and i will have. the same. two cokes. damone. it's mark. it's happening right now. i'm here at the atlantis. everything's fine except. i left my wallet at home. no. it's too late. the food is coming and everything. damone, i've got to ask you this favor, and i'll never ask you for anything again in this lifetime or any other. will you please borrow your mom's car, go by my house, get my wallet, and meet me back here? damone, are you there? i'll have one more coke. do you want another coke, stacy? two more cokes. damone! you come here? wow. i've been looking for that thing! hey, damone, have you met stacy hamilton? stacy, this is mike damone. okay. see ya. i had a really nice time tonight. i never thought it would happen at the atlantis. jeez. aren't your parents asleep? okay. sure. i'll come in. where's your brother? no. that's okay. naw. i don't mind. so. pretty nice house you've got here. i don't know. sure. oh, yeah. i had mr. deegan. look, stacy, i want you to know that. i've got to go home. well. it's getting kind of late. you blew it, asshole. really. we figured you needed the help. on such a hot day. really. why don't you get up and do a dive, mike? chicken! today's april 16th. damone never comes to school on april 16th. it's john bonham's birthday. john bonham. the drummer for led zeppelin. he died a couple years ago. every birthday he stays home and plays everything john bonham ever recorded. it's like his own holiday. nobody noticed. don't worry about it. we'll just stay out here until everyone comes out, we'll blend back in. i'll get you the notes. damone? what happened between you and stacy? no damone. i don't understand. hey fuck you damone. there's a lot of girls out there and you mess around with stacy. what have you got to prove? i always stick up for you. whenever people say 'aw, that damone is a loudmouth' -- and they say that a lot -- i say 'you just don't know damone.' when someone says you're an idiot, i tell them 'damone's not an idiot. you just don't know him.' well, you know, damone, maybe they do know you pretty good. and i'm just finding out. you come on. you're losing it, damone. you. sit. hi, stacy. how are you? yeah? about fifty people i didn't know wrote that in my annual. really? well, i don't know, i may be doing some traveling this summer. i don't know how much i'll be around. but i'll give you a call sometime. the attitude, damone, is only good until you meet the right girl. and. you can only tell it's the right girl if you're sensitive. sensitive is when you can tell how people feel without asking. well, for one, i read. i don't watch as much television as you. i'm trying to feel things more. i'm learning a lot about people. lust for life. it's the story of vincent van gough. it's a way, damone. it's a vibe. i put it out, and i have personally found that girls do respond.