jeez. knock off the chatter, will ya. i'm awake! where do you come up with all that crap about women? are you kiddin'? aayyhh. women are trouble. yeah, well you're a lucky stiff, pal. ya hold down two jobs. got a beautiful wife waitin' for ya at home. everything a guy could ever want, including no kids. what?! rug-rats? give me a break! jeez, i hate stakeouts. what makes you think milo's gonna show up here? and how we s'posed to recognize this scumbag? these are the best damn nachos in north america. maybe the world! i'm empty. i'm gonna get a refill. you want some? whoa, hold on, hoss! take it easy. you seem a little tense tonight. what is it? what's to be afraid! it's like making breakfast! you bring home the bacon. she's got the eggs. ya scramble it up. ba-da-boom ba-da-bing! she's got an omelette in the oven! why don't you knock off early. go home. it'd be nice for lana to wake up in the morning and find you there for a change. don't worry about that. uh-uh. and a damn good job, too. one of 'em even did it in spanish. hey ned! catch this! friend of yours. jesus. you hear that? are you kiddin'! he'll do it! the guy's a friggin' looney! christ, ned. you're in deep shit. only cell available. they had that serial killer locked up here. you know, the one who talks his victims to death then eats them. hannibal the lecturer. but they let him out for a three week tour to publicize his new book. it's a cookbook. and look, look. he autographed it. they're waiting for ya. they didn't want to start without her attorney being present. "i can't take it anymore. i'm a mediocre mechanic. and a lousy lover."