the prosecutor delivers her impassioned opening statement. laura is on the stand. ned hands her a sheet of paper. one of the jurors watches a "dick van dyke" re-run on a small portable tv monitors, oblivious to the testimony. in the b.g., the battered clerk stumbles back in with the paper plane. the conductor is on the stand. ned holds up a blender. at the defense table, laura glances over at lana, who is casually browsing through a copy of gals & guns magazine. laura reacts, then, trying to be as diplomatic as possible. the irritable man from the train is on the stand. max's huge cigar stuck in his ear! the hair around his ear is scorched. lana is on the stand. the bailiff swears her in. the courtroom artist has been sketching intensely throughout the trial. we finally see. he's been sketching a bowl of fruit on the court recorder's desk. ned picks up some fruit from the bowl and approaches the defense table. the camera follows a folded piece of paper as the jurors pass it along to the foreman. who hands it to the bailiff. who hands it to the judge. he unfolds it, reads it. then winks flirtatiously at the female juror who wrote it. she blushes.