max walks through the car looking for ned. he pauses, puffing on his big cigar. a woman passenger looks up and is shocked to see max's scraped bare butt hanging out only inches away. the old woman has unpacked her huge trunk. she has hung up clothes. set out a vase with flowers. hung up a big framed painting. and turned on a floor lamp. she pulls out a set of dumbbells, pumps them a couple times. and drops them on the floor with a loud clunk! the conductor is still tagging weapons as the old woman comes up with a ruger mini 14 machine gun, a mauser c96 automatic handgun, a sawed-off double-barreled .12 gauge shotgun. and an old wooden slingshot. frank looks out the window and sees. frank sees max hit the river and lets out a loud "whoop!" the old woman shoots him a nasty look. he stifles himself. frank jumps up, rushing forward. he skids to a stop. seeing ned through the glass! shocked, he ducks back.