ned stares out the window. apprehensive, nervous. max enters through the vestibule, without his cigar, stopping in his tracks when he sees ned. he smiles to himself, then ducks back into the lavatory. ned looks pale. sweating. reacting tensely to every lurch and bump the train makes. the feeble old woman strains to pull her huge steamer trunk down the aisle, inch by inch, toward ned. ned looks across the aisle to see a gross slob pulling all kinds of strange food items from a paper bag, making a big, sloppy, disgusting sandwich that squirts and drips all over. ned turns away. really queasy now. max steps out of the lavatory and sees the conductor coming his way collecting tickets. he quickly spins around, slides the door open and steps into the vestibule between cars. a gun barrel slowly protrudes between the seats in front of frank and lana. their eyes widen. suddenly, a stream of water hits frank in the face! he sputters. a little kid named jeff scrambles into the aisle. ned wipes the water from his eyes, blinking. he grabs the squirt gun away from jeff, holding it up angrily. jeff is singing to ned. to the tune of "the old gray mare." lana sees ned stumble shakily into the aisle, moving toward the vestibule. lana looks through the small window into the vestibule and catches a glimpse of a gray suit. she ducks back, leaning against the lavatory door. lana reaches into her purse, pulls out a gun. she looks through the vestibule windows into the first coach car, her eyes searching for frank. lana ducks back, pressing herself against the lavatory door. gripping the gun, tense. lana leans forward, looking through the vestibule windows, watching desperately for frank's signal. lana sees frank's frantic signal. she raises the gun, pulls the hammer back and steps quickly into. ned steps out of the lavatory. ned hears the gunshots and whirls around, looking into the vestibule through the glass window, just as.