oh yes, frank! adjust the stroke by ten percent! that's it. now tweak my points. oh yes, oh yes! you got it! stabilize your ball joints and grind my rear differential! now accelerate! floor it! lay rubber, baby! vrrroooooooooommmmmmmmm! not bad for an auto mechanic. better watch your tongue, sweetie, or i'll have my husband arrest you. he doesn't. that's why i need you to keep my engine tuned, frank. why drive a jalopy when you can have a hot rod? i would. if i could make any money on the deal. pull over and park it, frank. i'm still under warranty. uh huh. want some coffee? frank here was just grabbing a little before going back to work on my car. ned. don't you have to be somewhere? just the postman. he always rings twice. yeah, well you came to the right place. sit down. on duty all night. by the time he wraps up his reports, it'll be close to noon tomorrow. i was just reading over. take off the hat, frank. i was just reading over my husband's insurance policies. you wouldn't know anything about insurance, would you, frankie? i musta had my eye on something else. how about a translation. meaning? nine million dollars? why not? all three? it could happen. suppose it did happen? then we'd be rich. we're gonna kill the son-of-a-bitch! and i know exactly how! he has a legal symposium in santa barbara this weekend. all we have to do is get him to take the train up instead of driving. that's where you come in, baby. you're gonna rig his car so it doesn't work. that should be no problem for you. then. we give him a lift to the train station. through dealey plaza, past the book suppository and around the grassy knoll. move, frank. and pay attention. ten minutes out of the station he'll be standing in the vestibule between cars. trying to avoid a panic attack. fourteen minutes and ten seconds out, the train crosses the santa ynez river. so at thirteen minutes and fifty-four seconds, i shoot him, shove him out the door. he hits the river and drowns. bingo! a triple play. we're rich! no. it just came to me. i had this image of a big, powerful, throbbing train. plunging into a long, dark, wet tunnel. we have to be careful now. we can't risk being seen together at the house or someone might connect us to the murder later on. here. put this on. speak yiddish. red yiddish. zein nisht azoy meshige! der plan iz kosher vi yosher. vus iz mit idr? die host a vaichen schmoke? lest'n yomkippur. you speak yiddish? what happened to you last night? you could have called. but then, i suppose you were tied up. i never know when you're coming home, ned. how can i ever make any plans? so what's in the box? what is it? not enough like a cat. how about. ned? no kidding. at least. hello?. hello?. hello? frank? is that you? i told you not to call. frank? frank! hurry up, darling. you'll be late! wait until i signal you. when i raise the blinds. you knock. not now! drive carefully, sweetheart. say bye- bye to little ned. he loves his daddy. don't you stink pot? what's wrong? why don't you catch the train to santa barbara? it leaves in twenty minutes. no! i mean. you can't. armed terrorists seized the airport this morning. a plane crashed into the tower. and all the runways are on fire! and it's fogged in. for my peace of mind. take the train. darling. it's only a short trip. just because both your parents died in a train wreck. and your brother, morty. right. coincidence, ned. beside. that's the past. they're gone. that's right. fear! what about our baby, ned? i don't want to raise a child in a home filled with fear! but if you can conquer your fear. maybe i can conquer my fear of having a baby with a father who's fearful. ned. don't let a train kill our child before it's even conceived! you're sure now? frank will drive you. won't you frank? okay. now what're you going to do if you feel queasy going through the tunnel? that's right. when you get queasy. go stand in the vestibule between the cars. it's already getting to him. he'll be out of that seat and into the vestibule within ten minutes. i guarantee it. you want to earn a couple bucks, kid? he's losing it. you better get up to the next car. remember, give me the high sign as soon as you see the river. it'll be two minutes and nine seconds past the tunnel. i'll take care of the rest. anything goes wrong. just make sure you back me up. and don't let him see you. way to go, ned. right on time. ned. you wouldn't. but. you said it yourself. i saved your life. pffftt! damn moths! this place could use a good exterminator. can't you get me out of this cage, ned? i'm goin' buggy in here. what're you gonna do. arrest me for primping? well. do i have to answer that, harlan? no. call me angel tits. i saw max shady at the station. saw him get on board. i knew he'd made threats to kill you and mutilate your reproductive organs. so i got on the train too. so i could warn you. someday. with the right man. it would be difficult. something like that. and fired and fired and fired and fired and fired and fired and fired. and fired and fired and fired. well, counselor, looks like you won another case. lucky for me. how much for my gun? no thanks to you. you didn't lift a finger, frank. you let me take all the heat. you were gonna let me rot in the slammer. never say a thing. i'm not splitting anything, frank. and you know too much. you're right. maybe i'll just screw you to death. oh. uh, ned. this is lola, um. i. hate. salesmen! a trip? i like that. just you and me. all alone. i'll start packing.