good idea, mr. ravine. my son, max, is getting out of prison tomorrow. seven long, miserable years in the slammer. and he's a bit pissed off. i'm very concerned about him, mr. ravine. he said you were a two-bit shyster. and he's going to rip your head off and use it for a bowling ball! you think? oh yes. live autopsies. maybe so. but he said he's going to punch you in the testicles. smash your face. and decimate your wardrobe. and i wouldn't want that to happen. he's a naughty naughty boy. i just thought i should warn you. bye for now. oh. may i have a cookie? thank yooooooooou. he was the best. and that's not just a mother talking. you can ask anybody. well, you know, pranks. little jokes and things. but he was so cute. i have pictures! here. this is when he set the cat on fire. oh. but the cat deserved it. marshmallows. he just loved to toast marshmallows over a roaring cat. burned on the outside. all soft in the middle. and right here. this was taken on the day he left the priesthood to join the green berets. oh yes! that was during his ku klux klan phase. he would take the sheets right off my bed. cut those little holes in them. what a stitch he was! why that shouldn't even be in there! it's his rotten little half-brother. stinkin' little pecker. he never was any good. oh! i didn't like these neo-nazi boys. they were all so fussy and persnickety about everything. heil this and heil that. oh look. here's max with his chainsaw. he loved to go to the national park and cut down those giant old trees. it made him feel so patriotic. you know, if he hadn't been such a successful criminal. i think he would have been a lumberjack. but now he'll never be anything! not since. . that woman, your wife, pulled the trigger and put my little max in his grave! don't you tell me what to do with my finger! it's been more places than you've ever dreamed of! i'll point my finger wherever i want!