shut up, fag. don't dilly-dally then. rack 'em! ya know, that deer only looks scared when you're in the room. ohhh, now that's a rough one. yoh anga will be yoh downfah. go again? oh, come on. crape diem! wake up! check your pants! what's that? wha'cha say? huh? how much for the whole night, grandma? whoa! you boys wanna try your luck at the loot? come on, i'll even throw with my left hand. nothin' but a bunch of butts and pussies in here! i got two hundred bucks says none of you can beat me! c'mon guys -- gimme some action -- got 'cha! what the fuck was that? i didn't do it! it was fuckin' monsters, asshole! why don't you go check it out? anything? i think it's hungry again. i think we got -- right, let's just call 'em names. see that you monkey fucks! that's what you get when you mess with us! woman or man, i don't give a fuck! shit don't make me gay because you'll be sucking my dick! dude, they're humpin'! any more ideas, animal planet? go douche. yeah, thanks for that. we? we learned fast? you are all that is left of we. no offense pocohantas, but i think someone else should play "chief" tonight. someone that knows the lay of the land. like me. you! you gotta know somethin', you're old. old people know stuff like this. legends, tall tales, shit like that. spill it! how 'bout you? or do i have to get rough? come on! think back! that's just horse shit. yeah. allegedly. the first order of business is gettin' a big fuckin' tampon in that cave! they're probably on to the next buffet by now. there's a retirement home up the road, they'd be easy pickings. duh. oh, now you have something to say? oh? and what's that? that's for bears and sharks, chunky chew. do you drive a short beer bus or something? you go out there, you get eaten. you stay in here, you get eaten. anyone comes to help, they get eaten. don't you see a pattern here, spuds makenzie? believe me, i'd love to save the day and get some heroic snatch, but it's not in the cards, partner. let's not get carried away. so that's how it is? fine! shotgun, please. you're coming with, portly. 'cause if i'm attacked, i want a fat man close by. now who else is comin'? what are you gonna do? throw your teeth at 'em? sit down, cocoon. you! zorba! you're coming too! now gimme the keys. what? don't get your hopes up. alright you two, i don't want to hear any of this, "oh, i dropped the key, wrong key, ain't no key here." when i want out, i want out, ok? just keep 'em handy, ladies. wish me luck. i'm okay! i'm okay! come on. come on. come on. geeezzzus. okay, now. easy steps. easy breaths. easy steps. lamaze. lamaze. lamaze. haaaa! just a bat! i'm okay! just a bat! hello? anyone there? we need help out here at the united nations tavern. send guns, tanks, and all that shit. repeat. we need help. sos. calling all cars! calling all cars! we need help at the united nations tav -- shit! double shit! okay, i'm ready to come out now! "oh!?" what is "oh?" what does "oh" mean? hey! open it!!! open the door!!! get me outta here!!! help!!! goddamn it!!! help me please!!! hellllllllp!!! i got papa in the stones. he's neutered. dude, are you gay? this one's great under pressure. i wish you luck. hey! when you get to that truck. drive it like you stole it. oh yeah? ya know, that's not a bad look on you. kinda 1985, but not bad. i'd hook it up. tease. hey, cyclops. let's have a quiet contest. starting now. ya know, in situations of duress, i have found that women are attracted to my authority. ah-ah-ah! you're doing that all wrong! i know you're doing it wrong. move aside, princess. you don't want the rag touching booze, that way you can hold it and ensure it explodes when you throw it. i'm sure. perfecto. what we should do, though, is put those peanut barrels to use. fill 'em with booze and line up some planks. if the walls come down. we hit 'em donkey kong style. next time, look within. stereotyping can be ugly and hurtful. excuse me for being forward, but i'm curious about your dimensions. ol' crazy horse has seen it. welcome back. ingenuity, baby. ingenuity. bonsai! hot potato!!! commence plan b! just watch the floor and keep the others safe! bomb's away!!! one down, one to go!!! i need to get your number. the fan has officially been buried in the shit. motherfucker! give him back! oh jesus! i thought we lost you -- you fucker! do it! get me fuck birds! no you don't! vengeance! hang on! brother!!! i meant to tell you so much! you are sucking my dick!!! motherfucker!!! lord, if i die, bury me upside down so the world can kiss my ass! get these cuffs off me! i'm a goddamn hero for christ's sake! thanks for waitin' for me back there, really fuckin' appreciate it! i found a new weak spot on 'em, but it damn ain't pretty getting to it.