they took my laptop with my powerpoint presentation, my blackberry, my cell. and to top it off, my car crapped out on the side of the road! i'm not making the conference and i have fourteen leads waiting for me. you gotta help me out here. i'm not kidding, i've have fourteen primo leads waiting in the lobby of the mariott. mariott. son of a -- in with anger, out with love. for what, may i ask? you know, chach, catching you at this low point is pure serendipity. because i take the rubble of man and build superstars. in my briefcase here is a doorway to a self-help sensation. give me a minute, because i'd like to buy you a drink and change your life forever. i have a brochure -- of all the friggin' bars to be stuck in. are you -- ladies and gentlemen, if i may have your attention. we have to think outside the box here. we don't need to fight them, we need to scare them. scare them right back. this is a species stand- off. we just need to show them we're not vulnerable. that we're formidable. i need a stick. stand back. let's get that board down. showing superiority. the scent of their dead may drive them away. come on. come onnnnnn. you see? what i tell you? oh dear. i-i-i was just being proactive. there's five here now, actually. what are you talking about? cheese n' rice. thanks. we've got your back, bro. come on, bro. he is human kabob. great god, why do you damn me?! if they can't reproduce anymore -- we are one step closer! a big step! now is the time to band together. we need to rise up against these monsters of the night! those creatures are no match for the human spirit! we can do it! we just need to believe in each other! in all of us! we need to make a stand! right here! right now! "courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." the duke. i will go. no, i don't believe in guns. this doesn't run out of ammo. no. you? one. two. three!!! well, look at that. hey, little fella. looks like a brothel for plants. you and i are similar. we both have accents. we both travel a lot. we both don't really have homes. i am sorry, i ramble when i'm nervous. it's just that this seems like the opportune time for someone to be horribly. offed. sorry. i'm done now. like moles these things. grab onto ceiling and get out of water! do it!!! get out of water!!! they will write stories of your bravery.