unless you people want to die you'll do what i say and you'll do it fast! a storm of hell's coming down on this place any minute! i'm not armed now, just hear me out. let me explain! take a good look and listen to me! there's at least a four of these things out there! i saw one of them tear up five men like they were corn on the cob! i don't know what they are. i don't know where they came from. all i do know is that these fuckers are fast, nasty, and hungry. and they can fly. not to mention they got claws like ginsu knifes and more teeth than a chainsaw. they're like goddamn blood hungry biker tattoos come to life. they're clocking us. right now. and we have to lock this bar down! that means doors, windows, drains, and basements. we have to do it fast! you! get on that phone. call the cops, national guard, townies, whoever kicks ass and get 'em out here. any questions? i'm the hero -- holy mother of. what's goin' on? the pumps are off. turn on the pump! suck it down you metal bitch. suck it down. move it! get in the car, baby. roll! shit! we made it! break! go! go! go! look out!