hero's right half is jerked outside through the window. heroine spins and buries a splintered piece of the broken chair into the attacking momma beast's right eye. the beast screeches and jerks back, dragging the rest of hero outside. beer guy stares at the bile covered bartender. belle kneels next to the boss man. heroine and the others, just returning from the basement, hear the mayhem from upstairs and the kitchen. the group is mesmerized. heroine charges up the staircase. roadie rips the sawed-off weapon from beer guy and runs for the kitchen. the patrons track the wild crashing and high-pitched shrieking sounds of papa beast. he finally breaks out of the upstairs. beer guy and roadie carry boss man into the room as coach, bartender, heroine and the shaken bozo creep down the stairs. bozo slowly takes a seat in his brother's lap. tuffy backs up and hears the screams from the keg elevator. beer guy hits the button. tuffy moves for the keg door. adulterer grabs the judge from bartender. tuffy knocks adulterer's shotgun up, takes the gun, and rips open the keg door. heroine swings out.