hey. excuse me, please. thank you, but i don't need any help -- no. it's nothing. hey, it pays more than the couch. yeah, you got it. sweet. what are they doing now? hey, you lived on a farm, right? hey, where was your farm? did you ever slaughter? slaughter livestock? slaughterhouse run-off used to be drained into piping that ran through the mountains. earthquakes often cracked the piping and those flow lines were condemned, but never drained. what i am saying is. there's a distinct possibility that what we are up against is the result of steady stream of blood and tissue that has been leaking into the caves. and a day ago. something broke out. nope, that wouldn't do it. yeah, he's an ass, but he's my brother. que sera-sera. yep. look man, i read books. he reads bumper stickers. oh please, no. i thought that was it for a second there. whoa. good one. you sure? i thought the rag had to touch? genius. help me!!! helllppp! oh jesussss. help me! help me somebody! hurry! hurry! hurry! nooo!!! come on! goddamn it!